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RATS AND Met t t.l S3l I 'l' ll' S P I LI. S. - R t Vi.t where •

... celebrate tiekappeaching *Oman uf the Prioress with every degree elf loyalty and respect Mee Rog . lase taken tensest last in 'a ship 7.ephyr. and hes obsoletely lothed, the having bees eiceeilegly fairmerablis we this part oaf the coast fur chum troitermens ...


... November, St. Andrew's day, some snow had fallen, and the frost was sharp and kers. The following ships of war are aver is Halifax harbour :--Centurion fiag-ship. Rear-Admiral Griffiths ; Bulwark, 74, Captain Epwoeth Saturn, 54, Captain Browne ; Superb, 74 ...


... FARMING STOCK of the said Jelin Cannasug. eisesisting ten Capital Work Hones; meaty Cows and Heifers; hair Fat Piss tiro News, • lost. and twenty Pigs 1. witk ialueatbs. Harrows. Plough and Can Clear ; sight thins, with breed and narrow Wheels; tire arenas ...

t patches; they 'opposed to he in reply to ?um. static. that when be assiaird at a foment dispatches by

... there, three feet frost the such an eatremsty his Laedship would mu have' wall, pintail out the place-es-And thus the re. lost one mooiest to have esptched a courier with nosios of all the martyred race will, at hoards, be the news, and had any such ...

Rend, Chronicle

... Ossetic) cutup' mu jags ,eror a yard of territorial property, without any towas, or visible aatioa. with ao wrolth but their ships, au force but their caws, and no hope but from their swords, the Sea Pegs _aroma upon the boisterous sad ploudlerodl hi fiery ...

~~. ~-

... been to frame an argument to sanction high prices, I would have paused a different course : but in so doing. I should have lost sight of my duty to the Society, as as of their interest, sad that of the empire at large. Good policy, and theadvantage of ...

sy, , Feb :1

... House had sat from ten o'clock till fo;u bearing appeals, there was nothing to do from four till five, so that an hour was lost, which was a matter of serious inconvenience to those Lords who had attended the bearing of causes, and eircially to the Noble ...

1i ........'' r about tK,

... as were not badly wounded, wets dispersed on board the diferent ships ; myself part of :Ay crew, were put en board this ship. On the 17th we had a gale from the eastward, whets the ship lost her bowsprit, fore and male lima, mid memo top maidodi of which ...

'Art IV,

... two wales west of Kirtland, and I am sorry to add, that the captain wed all the crew and passengers are lost, except four Wears sod a woman. The ship is gone to pieces, and eery little of her cargo can be saved. ENI).‘I4: s.srs. ma tv. ♦rßll 1. DLCLAIt ...


... render it unsafe to attempt forcing a poemgr wale the smaller ships of war, the Majoe.Gerterol andmyself thought it advisable to attack the fort by lend sad the 7th a detach. tarot of ships. s met the Captain Ricketts. of the Ilmageur. effected a of the ...


... sod Frankfort to the 3d iast. bow been received. Accounts from Vienna state, that is the battle near Torii, the 14th, Murat lost 3000 killed. 4000 prisoners, and his camp eptipage. He ha retired to Awash where, of be be defeated in another battle, kis ...

Friday,laun L

... of York public home, duri&g the time the XVilliameons were mm'. dered by part of the gang. §lsortly after the murders. be shipped hrrn-eit on board an East In. (Jammu). Sind weed to I dip, and on his return was imprrs.ed into the It.iyal Navy that he was ...