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the appearane7 of a state of werfwe. 14y ye Mt law It Wore ea Inky ! The &eructing' of fliOfe

... watch lithe parties escheated shots several times, but it is not haown that any one was wounded, though one of the Luddites lost shoe and h:t hammer.) On Sunday night 43 frames were broken at Selena, Begthorp, and the neighboring hamlets. about nine links ...


... vela out goes a mew peditios of bouiluy. Letters waived from Whether relate the disagreeable intelligence, that his Majesty's ship 74 guns, Captain redo orers, had under the pas of a french fort near Te dde. and mid he towed out from that perilous shook* ...


... ricl••• 1 George -street. Th e t e t wie h e stee Primiams thee deposited. The rates at the c of the French squadron. They lost eight of the COUGHS. COLDS, ASTRAILift CONSUMP77O NS Lire wgou ty y ea per cent. to than T. shunt. Gloticeetershire, eses.deskr ...

yonnuatv. raa• We 1811

... 1, •. , 0001 , Grant, deceased. the Court of Dines:us, respectie, the renewal of y es tee d s of t h e Li . His Majesty's ship Thracian arrived at Ply. 'Pie Head-quarters of the Royal Cumberland the Comp.ny's charter. The clemut stated the result of ...

ENTIRD A Y's MAIL. LONDON. APRIL S. The Lord !lobate pocket is arrived's Falmouth with a mail from Cadiz. A

... last, a large concourse of people assembled at Carlisle., in a tumultuous manner, cooseepteuer of a quantity of grain being shipped, and it was found necessary to call in the aid o the military to stopper+, them. The Riot Act was read Is) the Magistrates ...


... City Gaol, to be P hag ? , consisting of number burn. only a sew b ean., 17 thr o w 44 54 Clear delivered basest the transpoct ship like gibbon , and Placed, Luc Mr. birch, .. 17. we by thl side of another, that the air Can pale 3icily. with Lamle. Mr. Thomas ...

was returned mid repeated without iatermissios during the conflict. the mob attempting all the time to force an ..

... being precipitated in the river Inn, they obstructed the passage. causing a dreadful inundation. Many hundred lives have been lost, and incalculable damage sustained in buildings and cattle. )any granaries were entirely washed away. Manus Muariaa.—The it ...


... sad a brig. lately ran at ors. has been sessenylithed, by their total drat-vetios. r the evamme of that port. by hie Nujratre ship man my roomed, (the Growler company). ostler the ciecternstames I R:c.tor.we to you. rtl•Friday. the tid uest. st a quartet ...

.. 4 1 00 4 sad flat the people is rowel night swan as of hostilitwi. krone. to he their

... selsoight, at Whitehaven, Mr. Wm. Tyeett,Setiser, to Mi.. Mara Wright, of Rocklife Cross. Oa hit, at Worluagtaa, Mr. Wm. Brower, to SHIP NEWS. The Uwe pent, limeefeuadieed. The hos dine. 44110. from dine, at Nurse The Nes at Pwwwwile. The from dine, at Philadelphia ...


... . • sod a half 'elbow of yards aeon are is progress .-d Mr. Barka% b. by thettle, 4 remold. l i t il eVbeii was takes down lost week from the _ ._ of ea k ee k et i ne . wid t h, d e eas e io ns ! o f a JOH% TODD. LAN UR YE YON, Mika at b. It. by Sir ...

Lui:DuN. itiLy y

... . and w ar . wow i i ,,,,, irk. Affairs is dal tt to till' at , rot `sin leave rare die ti: iota , * tr-ai. twit. an t is Lost sere tin. priors. is CieD* gaol by endow fret% and betray evi. Horse is masks Ann. co ; . ..z .'Zr-.- ,, 1,.a.;*,;;;: ...

Waif of taigoeeksheiv of the New 114liegd Yoel4. 46t e l l opeo boi - AO. sot *shimm toss ies

... had 'wised aseidsrable ins * Liam, ad the madam mos Wily eared M shin* re tar Palm Isar Rip e its ism the bads she Their* el ship% Osten of whisk wen Maims% had er. rind et Commok. ad were wed remind. Poo. demsousidsrably The *um shoe imit t he arrivel ...