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Advertisements & Notices

... ral Stafford . - . 300 William .Moorcroft, Esq. . 200 Dempster Henming, Elsq. .400 William Hall, Essp . 600 I fenry Williana Hobhouse, Esq. . 40£ F-. 'r. Hall, Rsq. . 100 Henry John Palmer, Esq. . . C. B. Palmer, Esq. . . 100 Colonel Frith . 500 Alexander ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Harbour of Glasgow, with Railwav Access to the Harbour, to the Paisley Canal, and to Hutchesontownr, by the Pulloc and Govan Railway ard Govan Colliery Railway, by the former of which the Coalfield is intersected, and with Ac- cess to Glasgow by Cart Roads ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ETTROPOLITAN LIFE ASSURANCEF Al SOCIETY, No. 8, IPrincea-streel, Bunk. DInaRECTOR. Ag: Jolia A~lcardi, Esq. Thonasn Hesiry Hall, Esq. Iticlia:-d L.ucw licc, Esq. Beij. Hlawes, jim. Esq., M.P. *tosssils It. lfradohiaws, Esq. Jotsi Lasirence, Esq. dinitiiiid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ? j. P. Waesthunil, Esq.. Manchester, Chairman of the Mian- chester and Birmingham Rlailway Robert Gardner, Esq., Chaseley Hall, Manchester, Director of the 'irent Valley RaiilwayI .Henry Tootal, Eaq., The Cliil'r, Wakefield, Deputy-Chair-. man of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hleriuf c'illl:o suid Ca, Carter; R. P. LeUnion, Esq., Bath; Joseph tii'a, Ei4 , tiatniluicil arid Mesars. Flint and Toots], Hall. r i FOaNM OF APPLlcAtoV. ;islona Conmnittle of tire Liverpiool and Derby Rallway Company. e o2 enchain thi ua yol\ill slimo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R., Req., Eeston-square, and Vpon Vatilu, Breconslsre, ierector of the Metropolitan Runway Junction Railway Hall, Francis, REsq., Park Hall, Notte, chiearmaia of the Notttngham and Mansfield and Midland Junction Railway, and director of the West Midland ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Win.. Burton-ocuTrent, butcher Govan Andrew, Durnstall, frisrinigbailiff Pardoe Samuel, Barton Needwood, Ashton Henry, B~arton Needwood, yeo- Gilbert WVilliam, Bi-anston, farmer yeoman man Hastings Sir C. A., Willesley Hall, bart. Proudman John, Burton-on-Trent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... proposal, anti every furutrer inforaintion~wl be readuily supplied enaStppication, mImher peraainells or lip letter t B.WILsSMON MORRIS, Rtesident .ketouarv and Secretairy. -11 ORKSHIRFE FIRE and LIFE INSURANC - Y1 COMPANY.-Es~tablishbed at Yerti, I824.-Cnapita1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... take charge of the Stock put uponr them. GEORGE PHILLIPS, Auctioneer. Barmnor, Marcha 23 . 1848. TO BE LET, BY AUCTION At Morris Hall, in tile Parish of Norham, in the Coun- ty of Northamberland, on Taesday, the 18th Day of April next, at 12 ?? Noin, REHE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the middle line of Govan-street, 70 feet wide, along wvlich it ex- to I. tends 217 feet 10 Inches. and on the wt-st by Prtiperty brlonglng atcc r, to Mr. Ale-xanderllarvey, along wshich itextende from the middle SIc h 1, line of Govan-stuent to tle middle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ by 'led ?? a generat assortment of elegant and originat designs, soitable for bed-rooms, enterlaining-rooms, nurseries, halls. staircases, &c. &c., in culinis~e, damaskls, damask and gold, flock5 aiss gild, imitiation of various woods, marbles and granites ...

Advertisements & Notices

... direction oS the Leeds Rational Recreation Society.) SiX~h CONCERT (the last of the present reason,) will Thrc in the M1usic-hall, Albion-street, on Saturday Even- Jte Pjune Tiveifth. ,Oy nertx a VocArLIlsT :- Mrs. ALEXANDER NEWTON, together with ggnowN ...