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Advertisements & Notices

... ral Stafford . - . 300 William .Moorcroft, Esq. . 200 Dempster Henming, Elsq. .400 William Hall, Essp . 600 I fenry Williana Hobhouse, Esq. . 40£ F-. 'r. Hall, Rsq. . 100 Henry John Palmer, Esq. . . C. B. Palmer, Esq. . . 100 Colonel Frith . 500 Alexander ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ETTROPOLITAN LIFE ASSURANCEF Al SOCIETY, No. 8, IPrincea-streel, Bunk. DInaRECTOR. Ag: Jolia A~lcardi, Esq. Thonasn Hesiry Hall, Esq. Iticlia:-d L.ucw licc, Esq. Beij. Hlawes, jim. Esq., M.P. *tosssils It. lfradohiaws, Esq. Jotsi Lasirence, Esq. dinitiiiid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hleriuf c'illl:o suid Ca, Carter; R. P. LeUnion, Esq., Bath; Joseph tii'a, Ei4 , tiatniluicil arid Mesars. Flint and Toots], Hall. r i FOaNM OF APPLlcAtoV. ;islona Conmnittle of tire Liverpiool and Derby Rallway Company. e o2 enchain thi ua yol\ill slimo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R., Req., Eeston-square, and Vpon Vatilu, Breconslsre, ierector of the Metropolitan Runway Junction Railway Hall, Francis, REsq., Park Hall, Notte, chiearmaia of the Notttngham and Mansfield and Midland Junction Railway, and director of the West Midland ...

Advertisements & Notices

... proposal, anti every furutrer inforaintion~wl be readuily supplied enaStppication, mImher peraainells or lip letter t B.WILsSMON MORRIS, Rtesident .ketouarv and Secretairy. -11 ORKSHIRFE FIRE and LIFE INSURANC - Y1 COMPANY.-Es~tablishbed at Yerti, I824.-Cnapita1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and Reel dancer, commences a short engagement at the Canterbury-hall, on Monday, July 26th, previous to his re-engage0 ment at the Winchestcr.hall. I NOTICE TO PROPRIETORS OF CONCERT HALLS, GARDENS, &c. R. AND MRS. G. H. ANDERSON, the Mh_ Cbaraeteristic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIr. POLLOK'S PLAN for the PURIFICATION of RIVERS, anid the Beneflcial Application of the Sewage Water of Towns. By MORRIS POLLOSK of Govan Factory, hear Glasgow. The Profits of this Pubhicatioi, if any, to le given to the Eya infirnary and the Royal ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Currie's, and Williams and Deacon's, and at the office of the Society, 7, Exeter Hall, Strand. Parcels of clothiig, &c., should be sent to. W. J. QHAMPION, Secretary. * 7, Exeter Hall, Strand. TY.EICESTER-SQUARE S6UP KITCHEN and lJ. REFUGE, established 1840 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... India, and ?? tropical ?? Tile Pannuna Corium sold by ie the yaril or piece-HALL nad CO., Palcintaoe, 2, Wellington. street, Strand, leadiiig to Wiiterioo.hridgv. V ESTRY-HALL.-LONDON THOROUGHT- A,1ARES.-The L'UILDF11 o1' Tiits 13) sv (enlarged to 22 pages) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POLLOK'tS PL'AN for thhe P~URI&FIC~ASTIONof R~IyER,an Y' the Beneficial Application of the Sewage Water of Tows. 1 1 MORRIS POLLOK, of Govan Factory, near Glasgow. O The Profits of this Publication, if any, to be given to the 9YQ 3 Infirmary and the Royal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fiee, direct from the Author, on re- rceipt of twelve stamps, C ANTERBURY HALL, Westminster-road. Proprietor, C. MORTON.-The FINE ARTS GALLERY, in connection with the above Hall, is NOW OPEN DAY and NIGHT, from Eleven a.m. till Twelve p.m. The New Gallery ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Earl le 2t of DERBY on the PURIFICATION of RIVERS, and the I. Beneficial Applcation of the Sewer Water of Towns. By MORRIS d POLLOK, of Govan Fa~ctory, near Gle~sgow. : The profts of this publication, if any, to be given to the Eye -Infimiary and the boyal ...