... in the augmentation of La- t iningtion, with this addition, that, before t deciding in the reduffion now mentioned, both parties were ordained to give in memo- t r.ils upon the reafons of rednilion. Counfel for the heritors, the Hon. Henry E-rniie, Mr ...


... route of Gravefend yelcerday, where they made every inquiry, but were not fo ftaccefsful as to hear any tidings of him. A party-of Bow-fireet officers was alno fent off to another quarter. This unfortunate man is between So and 60 years of age, and has ...

Law Intelligence

... enfued for foune tire, and the poor unfortunate man received feveral violent blows with the hatchet, but in the contell, the parties fought from the bed-room down the flairs in the dark, and at laft the villain made his efeape out of a win dowv, which he ...

t~iutoUl), Alp 30. H

... rebuke on Mr Dallas, for allowing Thomas Stewart and John M'Eiver to give out tokens in an irre- gular and improper manner. Parties being called, there appeared Mr D. Rofe, minifter of Dinrwall, for himfelf; Mr Angus M'Intofls at Tain, for the Synod of Rofs; ...

Edinburgh, July 4

... Lord Craig, as Ordinary, when h is Lordflip (though clearly of opinion that neither the revenue of the Pouf Office, nor the parties called in the afion. were liable for the lofs) ordered memorials to the Court. The purfuer, it feems, declined, on account ...

Military Courts Martial

... The tendency of the ?? different charges were, to accufe him of ufing co] his fituation and powers to. excite or foment W parties in the Regiment againit the above Of- ya! ficers. wa The Court having duly weighed and confidered the r evidence before them ...


... migohit ble i- ci m fly affefted in the e -ent of the matc. taking place, gave her confent 5 that j:- ar- that confent the parties aztied dowvito d for 24tb of February 1egp, ou whlich) dyV re- defendant wrote the plaintiff a letter f ae- expreffive of ...


... Lcrd Camelford's difchiarge; when Lord Valeritia and Cap. tain - , of the navy, appeared as bail for him, and; the feveral parties were bound over for his appearance to anfwer for the affault; Lord Camelford himfeif in 40001. and his two farcties in zoool ...


... to the fale of her goods by orier of llaewkins. The prifonzero were committed for ftarther examination, and Leveeai of the parties were bound over to profecure. OTEssecx5.-Forgeries of fome magnitude wereecom.. mnisted in Exeter, a few days ago, by a r ...

Edinburgh, March 13

... weal f till on hand, it being the ti duty of Magiflrates to prote6t, not to inter- g rupt the free circulation of commerce, parti- it cularly in the neceffaries of life, fo effential at ;% prefent for the equal fupport of the commu- m nity; to order the ...


... fqP. fed that Gince, feveral of the articles had been fold. The prifoners were committed for further exami- nation, and the parties bound over to profecute. The exarpinatiorp of the two fwindlers at Bow- 'Ircet, affords a melancboly 1but convincing proof ...


... evidence for the Ce Crown; he Cud, that he had already made a foil difeovery to of the robbery at Brixton Caufeway;g the parties concerned I;were himfolf, Agiddleeeo, }Hooker, Ball, Wieatln, Scott, and ?? Dick. Harper, hr would folcmnly fwesr, 'was dnot ...