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Advertisements & Notices

... approved principles: and its di- rectors rely thait an :adherence to tbe saine cimndict which nrigiallv-rccosmnendod this Institution to the Public 'favoar and pattonage, will'continue to uphold its character and its interests against every ameialps to undermine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... next, the 7th inrfant, to audit the Accounts to the z9th ult. ani slzhur Special Affairs. R. GRASWELL, Sec. VACCINE POCK INSTITUTION, Sept.30, r80o A QUAR1ERLY COURT will be held aL A tlns hintitution, on Friday next, at two o'clock, at tron, when a Vice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Works to be done may be feen at Mr. Gwilt's 0Offce, in Union-flreet. By Order of the Commiji'oners, W., PEARSON, Clerk. INSTITUTION for tbe STUDY of AGRICULTURE SOCIETY of FARMERS, whofe Education and Occupations in Agriculture have afforded them am- ple ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Par- Yticular of Works to be performed, may be feen at the Comp- toller's Office, Guildhall. P. W. CRVWTHER, Comptroller. INSTITUTION. for the C;URE and PREVEN'iON of CONTAGIOUS Fr:VERS in thc METROPOLIS. rHE HALF.-YEARLY GENERAL MEET. t ING of the GOVERNORt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROTESTANT DISSENTING CHARITY SCHOOL, WOOOD-STREET, SPITALFIELDS. AT a Special General Meeting of the Subscribers of this institution, helden at the School House, on Monday, January 2, 1804, in consequence of the lamented death of the late Mr. Thomas Barrett ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to W. H. at Mrs., Rackffrow's Rtegifter Office for Servants, Corn Market, Oxford, will be duly attended to. CHARITABLE INSTITUTION For the Relief of Widowrs and Orphans of Poor L'tergywe,, 'within the Diseefe of WsrceeJ/?r, in Aid of the D~frihutiosn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... British valour. . The Committee are aware, that many have withheld their subscriptions to the general. purposes of this institution, who have been accustomed to subscribe on particular occasions; that others may have 'deferred them, under the idea that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Guineas, piaidl at Onice or within one year, a Governor for life. A~ IPanphlec, conesininp the Risles tad Regulations of this Institution, w ith a Li:;t of the Subscribers, wisy be had gratis, of Mir. Asperne, book.5iseler, Corrbill; Mtr. Iiatcliard, boplesel- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... through age, infirnmity,or rnoisortune, 'i'ickets for the Dihner mnly be had at the Bar of the Tavern; al oBook.s of the Institution. T a COURT' of DIRECTORS of thc EAST Al %,,,)T A COMPANYs held on W\ednesday thc 19thl of June, 180;- Resolvedil unanimously ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sw0eepers , a 'TlO Pre~venlt MisLakes.The COMM ITTEE beg TL leave to recommend to the well-wishers of the Obje os P this Institution-( 1 EoRoE SMART, Ordnance Wharf, Westminster-bridge. )ZOBEk-T SMART, No. 55, Bell alley, Coleman street. In ,EN3AMi WArATSON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WjOODS, Secretary to the Comnaiettee. T~HN N CHAPRITY, Fos delivering Poor Mar- 1.Sr'ail W~olen at their ova Hasrtatiotre, instituted I7,57, tisier fithe Paroag of theire Royal l-lrbneesee the 'iiax'cr: rind Persrlcaaisof TVs~e.Ihe Quarterly General Meeting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... afore- said; tIre- Csle and - Ball,, Bath; of Mr. William Adams, of Whitley by Pensford, near Bristol; and of Messrs. Kent, Pearce and Kent. at their UOfice for Landed-Property, No. s, -C raig's-court, Whitehall, London. 0T'O be SOLD, the LEASE of a good ...