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We hear thay Thurfday Se'nnipht is appointed for the Procliiming of the Peace, in cafe'his Majelty is'not ..

... arrival there.” It is generally expedied that a Committee will be appointed-in the-appreaching Seffions of Parliament, to review and conbider the many penal Statutes now in” Force, in.otder to reduce them into a narrower Compafs, by repealing fuch asare ...

Published: Mon 07 Nov 1748
Newspaper: Coventry Standard
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 348 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

... Hundred Thoufand Pounds a Year in that Article. On Tuefday la#t feveral Compenies of the three Regiments of Foot Gaards were reviewed in order to difband all the old and fhort men. T'his Week died James Montagu=, of Newbold Verdon, in Leicefterfhire, E(? ...

Published: Mon 07 Nov 1748
Newspaper: Coventry Standard
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 1404 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

B S dqose, Wearer. .- William, James, of Great Ruflel-fireet, ifi the Parifh of St pm;num:’%fimmumv,im&; o e . James

... County of Surry Ship Chandler. * ~ *ud ; : Co !t“'ri*, Mty 1§ : ‘On Wednefday,laft the Royal Rfiimcnt of Scots Greys were reviewed, at iam) by Major General Steuart, when thcy went t\fiwwfll Firings and Evolutions with _admirable Dexterity, w‘themfatisfnaion ...

Published: Monday 05 May 1755
Newspaper: Coventry Standard
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 194 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

g hbou

... to join thofe already in Holftein and Slefwyk, and that it'wa!gil-hh' Danifh Majefty would pafs over there in April next to review them; affembling fuch a large Body of Troops caufes much Specolation. - Lexters from Ratifbon advife, that the Prince of Deux- ...

Published: Monday 08 January 1759
Newspaper: Coventry Standard
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 1307 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

you, that I was once fully perfaaded thefe Schemes were atterly impradicable. Upon confidering your Notions I ..

... you, that I was once fully perfaaded thefe Schemes were atterly impradicable. Upon confidering your Notions I beplo review my ows, and t 0 compare them with the pre. 1 fee, I feel, T know; that our Commerce is in a very flonfiihins Condition ; which, I'am ...

Published: Monday 29 January 1759
Newspaper: Coventry Standard
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 440 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

e . cproperly

... and Cover for the Lock of his Guny wfa.m Blan ket. The whole to be at Albany the zoth of next without Fail, thete to be reviewed by proper Qfficers; “and no Man will be accepted in this Service, but young, ftrong, 4ive Men, accuitomed to Hardthips, and ...

Published: Monday 26 March 1759
Newspaper: Coventry Standard
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 366 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

bear, that the Difteels on the Freneh Trade, occafiomed by e prefent War, s {o greae; that out of 300

... the Glazier’s and Carpenter’s Jobbs, on.this Occafion, -awnt to between m,epg,!?og: Pounds. . . .On Saturday” Cord Ligonier_review'd the-two-Battations o¥.the Firft Regiment of i'(:t'-;(;,uudo io Hyde-Patk ;; when fimm all the Evolotions (without firing) ...

Published: Monday 11 June 1759
Newspaper: Coventry Standard
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 971 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... late of Walfall, Staffordfhise, T Hrpes anner | COVENTRY, Fune 1. We hear from Warwick, that their Batsalion of. Mil | was review'd neas that loro:?h lat{Week by the Earl ! Hertford, Lord-Lictenant of that County. On Mondiy, . - being his Royal e e e B ...

Published: Monday 11 June 1759
Newspaper: Coventry Standard
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 519 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

Zhurfdap Morning’s Pott

... dire@ily 1o Pofen, in o der cithet to give Batude 10 the Rufs fians, or w deftroy thoir Mugazines. —His Dauifl-viaj. fty, afier reviewing ail bis Forces, is retutned in good Hezlth to Copenhagen. P Wartbourg, Fune g Six Thoafand Men that were detached by Prince ...

Published: Monday 09 July 1759
Newspaper: Coventry Standard
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 2469 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

et heee s

... Reviegos,. | their ‘Approbation by * Mtr. Hanbury does no * becaufe he cannot fee =y - tlhe Ufe of the rublic Li ® Critical Review, | *_ Hanbury for his | ¢ founded on the Pri ¢ #¢ and the Convenien :..% this delightful Plac to founda Library /# Church-Langton ...

Published: Monday 01 September 1760
Newspaper: Coventry Standard
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 166 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

0 A A X 3 —— b Tk de

... cannot pretend to particularize; but we approve of the Dcfi% « and hope it will meet with all due Encouragemnent.’ t Momtbly Review, p. 331. ¢ In-oup nineteenth Volume, page “ ¢34, we gave fome Account of this publi¢-fpirited Gentleman's « chariable Planting ...

Published: Monday 08 September 1760
Newspaper: Coventry Standard
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 492 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... expelted, F ! Oua Monday laft the Weftminfter Battalion of Militia were drawn out for the firlt Time in Toozhill-Ficlds, and reviewed by their Colonel Sir Thomas Frederick, who ordered aßats of Beer, with a fufficient Qaantity of Beef and Bread, to be ferved ...

Published: Monday 15 September 1760
Newspaper: Coventry Standard
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1552 | Page: 3 | Tags: none