Law Inteligence

... and Scoo into Pe'eliera, together with -provifions and Rores for a long liege. On the other hand, it is certain that Suwar- row as arrived at the fcene of aalion with his army, and it was expe6led that Milan would loon be in the hands of the Aaitrians ...

Edinburgh, Dec. 12

... is ufual to throw the dung, &c. Ie once a month, over the wall, in hand bar. 1. rows ; Monday being the day for that pur- a pofe, the prifoner got himself put into a bar- row covered with ftraw, and was thrown over the wall, and fell feveral feet, where ...

Edinburgh, Dec. 19

... Ardwall. Died, on the rs5th of O4.Iobf;r, at Norfolk, in Virginia, wvhere he haid gone ir the recovery of 0 his health, Roderick Rowe, Efq; from tihe ifandm of (G renada. iC DiUd, at P-rri.; on tiC 5th oL. Sir Davii ! )gilvy of Bitiai, Bit!. 1 B dIied, u11o ...


... to zetaia b own vellel; and, xxrelin' a fitvloid out *t t. hand of tlhe l lz c tl'e bic li ?-e `I i the French failors to row him back to the larquis of Granby. He gallantly boarded ler fw.ord in band, and foon cleared the i deck of the fans culottes ...


... and beatens in a moltc ci'uel manner. Suscive.-Oo Tuefday evening a woman dirownxed hserfelf in rhe New River, near Coleheoke Row. She was tsbfeived by ohe watcisrisail walkineg feveral times backwa..d and tarw~ard, but vvnhoiut a :y Lfupicisn of comm luting ...


... blight. O iliike the to peace ■ A-d let Ihe gen 'lj foothing ftrair, Lull to repofe thy mother's pain, And bid her lot row ccafc ! For t'n.e, dear maid, at early _-wr, l.cav's'a dews (hall weep upon the lawn. And, wiih fufpended wing, The drooping ...


... ian' Over thg fountain, was a large canopy built, and on re. it a little boat floated, with a young fallor boy, who. 3ur rowed round the fountain, filling the cups for all B led comers. . Thefe were computed to am. unt to up- tnt wards of fix thoufand ...


... Afia, apt. Robert he Wardlow; Minerva, Capt. Keimrard Smith;i Rofe, ch Capt. Wemyfs Orrok; Britannia, Capt. Thomas Bar- of row;, Lord Thurlow, Capt. Win. Tiiomfon; William to Pitt, Capt. Sir Charles Mitchell; Marilip, Capt. as John Altharn Cumberlage; ...

r los -p. , ?? -th. betwixt the h. i.l of Pre - ?? 7:i ! ?? little : bove

... English out in th-ivlr.g pl:ii7tatl,,'77— 7m , f which are lar ai:- vanced There are besides a -rent many old trees ?? hedge rows upon the estate, which might be thinned to advantage. The iands are we'd inclosed am* subdividi d, tartly wiih ditches and ...


... vernment. The Chouans are greatly irritated at his having broken his word with them. Hoftilities- will not commence until tD-mor- row the loth. On the Continent this is matter of great aftliaion, although every one is convin- ced that the terms which Bonaparte ...

CORONER's [ill]

... BAN Saturday evening a coroner's inquelt AdY was taken before Anthony Gell, Efq. at the fign oftbe QOueen's Head. 'r'avialock-roW, Covent-garden, on view of the body of Lieute- nzant Cockburn, a young military officer, who put an end to his exiltence on ...