Advertisements & Notices

... 'illiam. Milne. This farm lies along tbe new turnpike road which i-zs been lately opened bttwevn Aberdeen and Ellon. is at prefent almolt swh11, inclofed, and fubdivided ito different fields, except along the turnpike road, :-here the truftees on faid road ...

Advertisements & Notices

... acceefs to the town, by the Dec-fide and Skene turnpike roads, not being above a quarter of a mile ?? the limits of the intended ncw fErect; and that part of the property, extending along the Dee- fide turnpike road, may be feued off in filish lots to great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Chairman. COMPANY OF STATIONERS, LONDON. On 7Tefday, N t. 8 rwill be pthbi/ijed, HE FOLLOWING ALMANACKS& r- T DF61k THE YEAR e'8es, S Printed for the Cofipany of.Stationer's; and fol-d 'by ns George Greenhill, Tre~fsrltr to the Company, st their .t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wih rfs, Shed;, and Crane; l.ime-Kilus, &c. fituate iear the confluence of the Rivers Dun and Rother, and the- Turnpike Road leading to Sheffield and I'on 'after. Ai,, TWD FREIIHOLD CLOSES, near Rother- ham aforefaid, conltaning *;A. 3R. I7P. tythe free ...

M A S O N S. Ti tf N

... building a few A. DIWELLING HOUSES, on the lands of Cot- ton, along that new line of road leading to Grandholn Mills, from the turnpike road. Enquire at Grand- holmN Mills. N 0 T I C E. rHE annual Generasl Meeting of the ABERDEEN T LODGE is to be held within ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Gnldfmith Bnfinefs, mult refpe afully t l informs them, that he has juft received from London, a L'irs iingham, and Sheffield, an extenfive and very de_- l gist affforment of JEWELLEY' and PLATE, every n deferip iion of Plated and Japanned Goods, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ?? Wi arifing at the leveral Toll Gates creaed upon Lhe T'urnpike Rodd made from Congleto'n, in the County ot Chseler, to a branch of the Leek Turnpike Rowd inear 'Buxton, in the County of Derby, WILL BE LEI BY A Ct21 O)N, tr the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at the undermentioned T Toll Gates eretied upon the fecond DiftriC of the Turnpike Road from Newcaftle under line to Haflop, and front Middlehills to the Macclesfield f Turnpike Road, near Buxton, (and whieh were Let for one year, commnencing the 24'h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - d Torbeviewed ?? Tenants, and par- ticulars Ead zo days Orecedin; the Sale, at the Cranies, Lcicdlter; Peach's Hotei, Sheffield; Angel, Ctieflir. field ; iofi Hottrcs, Manscld and Nottingham;-Bell, Derby of Mr. EDM UNPEVANS, Solicitor, t~rby; and of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'North End of the Town of Derby, through the Towns of Daffield and Cheflerecid, in the county o of Derby, to the 'Town of Sheffield, ifi the county of York, and from the faid Town of Duffield to the ' Moot Hall, in the Town of WirkfwQrth, in the faid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... urnderfianidsS ~tt tprip n ter f thbis Paper; if by Letter, poll. E Ia S UYandYOXALL TURNPIKE ROAD. F Xotice in heeby given, Ia Ir AT a meie ng of the 1Trunlees of the Turnpike. i Wid kodisn from Albborn to Sudbhry, in the tl otf ODrtty, and from thence to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hitfunday 80o5. th, V. Thc Crofts and Houfc, on Bal/qm/ar:, with the If' G/ofihtw ParlI, formerly fct to Dcacon DI!F-i.- The turnpike road alfo paffes through tbefe -c parks. Entry at Wlhitfunday 180S. T'ier above grc all well fripplied with mofs. ro Vi, ...