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Mlail Rtoom La Polka

... FURNITURE, Pitie, Linen, &c. of Alr. S. F. Dessiou, Ship Chandler, y 1, Broad-street, Portsmouth, wbo is about to leave the business. The Stock consists of an assortmtent of goods suitable e for shipping, viz. anchors, rope, blocks, lines, twines, Lr ironmongery ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Captain HOaNr, to salI the 20th Instant, Je~n MACUtT, LATHAM. and CO.. and to ble succeeded by d The new Ship BGSIQN. Captain it. C. MACKAY, and The new ShIp LIVERaPOOL, Captain J. Howus, Jun. yei For terms of frelght or passage apply to the respective Captalns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TSeztry JoB?4 . GOLDM~fHSecretary. D~ouglas, 2Bth May, 1g86. . E 8277 T HE GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION = COMPANyS Firstclass STEA SHIPS leave LONDON, foz !a.ljBURA-Wednesays and Saturdays. Sableoa£2, fore 253. HAVBE-VEe Thrsd8ay. li, or Bs. ANTWERP-Every Tuesay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... made the most remarkable running ever made by a ship or steamer, and stands unrivalled oa the most perfectly modelled ship afiloat. Her accommodatinn for all classes of passengers are equal to those of any ship in the world, and as a fast and comfortable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INDIA, the STRAITS, CHINA, and JAPAN have been greatly accelerated under their new contract-with sl.HI. Government. Weekly depat-ures from South- aRipton, Venice, and Brindisi. AUSTRALIAN MAIL SERVICE. FORTNIGHTLY LINE. THE PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL COMPANY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Manchester. d Bs 51t NOVEMBER, 11i9I. Ml C.The Firat-class Powerful Steamers as ag of the 3 50 CORE STEAMSHIP C031PANY Ship. Tons. CAPt. Ship, Tons. CapI. AvtiiET ?? 'M00RUsEt . ..11S- Dobson BItercitte ?? 81.. Fay ?? .Fraier LoWT ?? 0.. Booth PTAttstXGAt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the most remarkuble running ever made by a ship or steamer, and stanids unrivalled as the most perfectly mcdelled abip afloat. ii Hsr accoimnodatlon forall classes of passengers are equal to .e those of any ship In the world, 'and as a fast and comfortable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of the Now Merchant Shippin Act, which is as follows:- No person shall be entitled to carry in any ship, or to reuniro the master or owner of any ship to) carry therein. aquator-tle, nil of Vitriol, gunpowder, or any other goods which, in the Judgment ...

Advertisements & Notices

... has tent spared to make her througutout equal to cIL lhe finebt ship or a~eamer Afloat. is Her cabins are sumptuously furnishod, Ana, possess every de convelsience to be found on board ship, iccludieg tbathroou, RE Iiibrary, &c. Her sceoud eat-lice ace ...

Advertisements & Notices

... well'known m Imperial Mail Steamers of the NoI German ] Oes fro Loyd are cepatched rewulsrly Jery month v If. from Antwerp. Next depature will be the HAJ3SBUERG ?? 3094 toni, May 19 ry ird-clvws Fzres to Ade]aide, Melbourne, eind Sydney ?? .. 14 14S. - rough ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pany'sBoyal &Ial.Steam-ship BOGO tA. . ti o l927' v , AU5TkAL A-2RED'JACKET.', WHITE- STAR EX-gOY ;TAL MAILI.. The renowned clipper REZ? JACKET, Captain 0'Halorgn, 2468 fois rqjsteT,'5O00'tdB buithenugdmlttidlyle fatt handsomest ship 'in .the iorld), ...

Advertisements & Notices

... first-cia'i 5tealuOs to cli-hle persons on pa),melt of 62 each. An T Itl riaced sitmgeoln nd a Alatronl accontpallv each ( ship. On arrivi 'g in Sydney the Younig Women _ ije -ceRied tnto a Home, and the Gosertnment a ?? for tleirobtaining immediate ...