Advertisements & Notices

... Britifh Oil, IS. t;1d.-Do. du. do. Refined, ls. 9d.- Fryar's Balfa M, is. I'd. Bateman's Spirits of Scurvy Grafa, a s rT --Dr. Story's Worm Cakes, as. Bati ing Spirits, Sd.-Iffle Plaifters which flick with- nut iletting, ?? Turned Orange Peis (T0O) 4s.-Ladies ...

. Escaped from Justi

... appearance, speaks the dialect of this country. On Sunday last he wore a round hat, red silk napkin spotted with white, dark blue short coat, red velvet corduroy breeches. and blue stockings, but is supposed to have changed his coat, and to have put on a long ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DrMwing-Ro: In, th fi three Bed.Rooms, and a-very large Laundry, on the n ft. Firft Fioor; and' five Bed-Roorms, on 'the Attic Story Al al Thcre 8re 'al'o two large Wine and Beer Cellars he d diffirij and feparate, with an -Arched Vault and Bns th n- complete; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... found as will, in a short time, heal all cuts, stabs, and gun snot wounds, if not absolutely mortal. ToE. SIBLY, M. D. I havethe pleasure to inform you, that I have every prospect of a rapid sale for youirMdeicine. Sincetle short time I have sold themJ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... breast, short dry cough, and wast- ing of the body, which at lenbth brought her to that state of debility that she was unable to take the slight- est exercise without extreme fatigue, her spirits wee very much dejected, her appetite gone, in short, she supposed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cobbold. Sonnet, inscribed to the Duchess of Devonshire. The Syren's Song, by S. C. Isabel and the Snake, by Mrs. J. Cobbold A Short Voyage, by G. R. C. The Disappointment, by J. B-1. A Song, by S. C. Alinda's Address to her Friend. *Answer t& C01urespolldeisS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of the following Subjeds :- r EnglifhbrammarandElo- 8 Dotf'rine of Annuities, cution,: ' 9 Trigonometry, 2 Peomanilhip and Short- so Logarithms, . Hand, 'ax Geography, 3 Arithmetic, Vulgar and xz Altronomy, Decimal, . 3 3Mechanics, 4 Stockholding and. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ree:, London- an'd fold by J. C. Mottley, W., Matthews, and T. Gueft, Portfmouth. Of whom may belhad, Dn 'the e. A FAMILY STORY, ?? by MT. South, ,e bad in 3 vols. price IOS. 6d. ds at . MEN and MANNERS, in 4 'vols. by Mr. La- Cloch tham, a new Edition ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Suffolk; comprising a large kitchen, 4 par- lours, anextensive dininag room, 5 chambers, with two bed rooms on, the attic story ; an excellest cellar, wine vaults, brewv-office, back kitchen, large barn, commodious stables, straw-house, apd other out-build- ...


... ea4- r ing froin thi Grassinarkit to Laurleston, by the back e eof the Citywall. - ' - an I' .The front Tcnement bein- four stories high-i, cois- uE * ists (besides garrets 'of, shop aiid small hack ronoa la !rpossessed by Mr Fqakeo, two rooms and kitchsen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Three Shillings each. No Tickets given out, or Money taken at the door. RICE FOR T ' ULIC, kVhich, if generally used for a short time, will invi- * tably Reduce the Price of Bread and Flou r.) MESS. EDWARD and THOMAS KEMBLE, having served Rice te many ...

Advertisements & Notices

... four ex- cellent bed rooms, Ilitchell, cellars, servants fieepinig luace, and many other coinveniencies. A HOUSE of two stories, on thesecond floor, front- inag-the Square, c-oiisisting of diniiig-roosss drawring- roomn, three excellent bed-roonms, -two ...