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... Conduct t of Ministers, this spirit is abundantly apparent. All the political and moral delinquencies of Chartists and cai Socialists-the treason of Frost anid the absurdities vah of Owen-are traced to the warnt of principle and the ?? wvant of capacity ...


... cornanticatedl throughl the attractive medium of ,:ecelte and story. Tile repulsive and demnora- !ii ii doctfines of the Socialists are here farther de- mo;-itrateel: nI we should hope ?? l a salient ten- cey it preventing many from being deluded into ...


... the enjoyment of tlte electiveo franclise. The remarks on the sti-dhsnt Factory pi Deputation, under the beaid of ?? Tory-Socialist Re- IT rnedies for the National 3)istress, are sbtrewrd and rr sensible, and embody sound views on the proposed vy regulation ...


... amusement, instead of spending their money in taverns or in procuring admnission to demoralising meetings of Chartists and Socialists. With regard to the Hall it was most commodiously seated, and tastefully fitted up. As to the performances it would be little ...


... him with a testimonial, to mirk their satisfaction with the manner in which he conducted the discussion last week with the Socialist, H. Jeffi-ey 4f Edin. burgh; and for his triumphant advocacy of Christianity in op- position to the doctrines of Socialism ...


... and denoencing all methods of medical practice except his own. The Police interfered to prevent the exhibitions of the Socialists on the Green on Sabbath; we would advise them to keep a sharp look-out for somebody answering our correspondent's description ...


... others Nye can trace the work of men well- known and highly-estcemed. The first paper in the pre- sent number is on the socialist party in France, and gives a i distinct and impartial view of the various sections of republi- cans engaged in the political ...


... be- lieve that this wavs the object of some complimentitar letters from Vtse fluke of Kent.1 The writer says of the great Socialist chiief He could probably produnce mere laudatory letters hour- ing illustrious signatures titan. any dthor inihabitant ...


... be-thought that because a glass house is built in the park, all-the w~osi1dare to cast stones at it, .IThe Red Itepub, cans apid Socialists of Fi~ance,.German Ciiingni~ts,. 'Aaserican Socialit adAnti-rentr' EgihChartis-ts' ~andNb ~rhleers~,6are to' leadloni the ...


... the distressed tailors under Mr. Cuffey, would 0 speedily convert the Temple of Industry into the li head-quarters of a Socialist Republic. Physical and Hi material dangers of a more direct and positive kind Ii were invented to appal those whose nerves ...


... eckonedosmtime aid ot thme Radicauls Lauinarthinctattered time rishi; C 6 MI. Louis Blmimm wuvihld have lookccd out fbir Socialists;tmand Genie- c. al Cavaignac might himve coented perhaps iii 1848 ems a smtall e coustingent of Cimartists. Bumt who mtpmn ...