... cornanticatedl throughl the attractive medium of ,:ecelte and story. Tile repulsive and demnora- !ii ii doctfines of the Socialists are here farther de- mo;-itrateel: nI we should hope ?? l a salient ten- cey it preventing many from being deluded into ...


... simple fact of Isis payfissg bsetween (10t?. and .7001. pur week in weages onty ; IM Ar. Robert 0 wets, the celebsated Socialist, waist Nill not feel at all isttered by the poatrait; the ts Lord Adv~ocateo~fScotlanid, asid M1A'r. N. P. V'willis, tlse ...


... Royal kitchen and -led-rooms, stould turn out to tnake room for site 'taster of the house ?-Argiis. hIr. Brindley, tbe Anti-Socialist Lecturer, was 1presenied with a purse of 40 sovereigns, at Leices- ter, in acknowledgment of the services rendered by him ...


... next? Oh ! said the lady, 'I we should have the devil in Ernest then. A writer in the Phrenological Jouroal styles the Socialist communities Joint-Stock-Bread-and .Cheese-easy-produe- tion-and-equitable-distribution Companies. MARRIAGES IN HIGH LIFE ...


... sbape of un- foriiations against three socialists named Higginbottoin, Ward, and Bucbaian. A cuiviction having beei ob- taiiied isn one case which if paid wilould go into the pocket of the rev, inifuriier, the socialists, veryinaturallyb, turned round upon ...

Literary Notices

... lectures would 'barton Ite delivered at a sniserable liande known as the ?? t rcecan. of Science, Dale-Irall, Lengport, by tlte Socialist mais- t prpened sionasry, Alexander Campbell, on thle afternoon and St 'agedy, evening of that day. It wan also announced ...


... with a very ropulsivo character- apt of persoage in whomn op. peared to be blended the characteristics of a devil and a socialist. Of the innato spifit of evil which we are apt to identify with the forert had te a godd share, wbilst of the comfortable ...

Literary Notices

... Sturge, and Mr. Williarr Allen, or diotingiril hed phldanttiropriosL; Campbell, M~oore and Carlyle, as literiry teri; tihe Socialist Uwell, Count D'Orsa, 'and M~r. \Iii~. Clones, xxith Macready, a George Cruik'stiank, Sireridan Kuovvles~, aiid Allv. George ...


... nothing to hope frox conservative fixss! Nor yet from ?? doctrines, a shade or two worse; is I would not impugi the *- Socialists' l oeader, ,Nor for their - half-crazed doctrines be pleader; ge The c/rirtis-/l' have reason and right on their side ...


... back to their Queen as the heart of one man. The Chartitt declared that he would wait for the Queen's promised Charter; the Socialist that he would walt for t'he new order of things; the Repub. lican declared that even if there were a republic he would vote ...


... their Queen as the heart of one d man, The Chartist declared that be would wait for -e the Queen's promised Charter; the Socialist that lie Y would wait for the nevw order of things ; the lleptb- Lt lican declared that even if ithere wore a repulnic he ...


... their Queen as the heart of one dman. The Chartist declared that he would wait for re the Queen's promised Charter; the Socialist that he sy would wait for the new order of things; the Repub- it lican declared that even if there were a republic he in ...