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... instances, they could oilv hear his ge- neral cbaracter. Mr. Smnith then concluded bv stat- ing that he had heard many persoas speak highly of hins, and none slafavourably, and his character for ha. manity and tenderness of disposition, sto d high. - TheJudge ...

Yorkshire Lent Assizes

... she was iai ilnsuocent wuirman; hIad-bet3 taken ull so latelys shie had itot rimle to have ansy of lter fr ienlds itere so speak fur iher: Mr. TJustice Le Bhtnc recapitulated the evidence, and, observed, that if the prisoner, did 'not know-it to be forged ...


... Matloni, at James Davi-rn's, and as Scono as hie saw him he said he wraa Ire man who 'tad sohbes i hat, and on hearing him Speak ho re- cogroized 'the voice as beling the voice of tile person wsho bail demanded his money. The prairner said, I Are you the ...

Porkshire Lent Assizes, 1810

... following, at lalron, at James Davison's, and as soon as lie saw him he said he was the man who had robbed him; and on hearing him speak,ihe recognized the voice as being the voice of the person who had demanded his money. The prisoner said, Are you the man that ...


... they were going to the Cathedral, be- tween 3 and 4 o cloc4, ais she supposed, to evening ,prayers, .sr-y Jones stopped to speak to. two gentlemten-oue in regi- tnentals, thelther not, that Mary Jones shortly overtoolk the ProiecLtrix, and insteadl of ...

Coroner's Inquest on Sellis

... walking with her and her children in the Park the day of the murder, and appeared unusually cheerful. She remembered hIis speaking to his sister and saying, Death is a debt which we must all pay, and it matters not when we do it. He was a sober and ...


... 'been very fbrward -in aniicipatsn,.' But oh ! says0Loid'Ca--ik-realtb, you cannot mean me, t you niust mr-an thc King u speaking of flo~gi'gnit .cannot niean nt- Why, by and by, if a Minister were peite soin the tstreet with mud, we ?? be i' stt1 th~ie ...


... urs to each other at the tiie. 'his occurrence at hoine svill, one Would holie, teach the loyal .; ;little cdutioll| ilr speaking of the nseans which ;iaptdeoi emipiloys (Pr rathler, tivich they st:y he employs) in order to get'totsefitera'nd disci- plose ...


... apen his temple whichibdoced the :Progecutor to asa if he intended to murder him' the vllain -made no reply,: - nor did -he speak one word during the whole araflsadiob,' d. hbut continued the-whel-I time maling ?? sher ban--i sto d ing of 'a dog. lie put ...


... pretty similar, tresting his owin deence for re'. .ceiving and detaining the person of Sii Francis, on the. l'uthofity Sthe'Speak'ei'iWa-rrant. To this Sir F. had : repiia, IC injuria lea propriaabique-ia1 catua. Tb Mr. Colmn's'answer Sir Francis iephiedthat ...