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... one at a time. Councillor Thomson, and Leadbetter and Bailie there were many men rCM themselves fluently stand, could not speak Councillor Gibson's enacted that the Reformed Town Council they make speeches, that e they please, and that as .ak simultaneously ...


... democratic and republican principles. Take, for instance, one of the octogenarian Doctor's sentiments on this occasion :—Speaking of a privileged Church, he took occasion to say, that so long as privileged orders existed in a Slate, both civil and religious ...


... certainly expected to find some of them, Hoot, says lie, you're a saft horn ; d' ye no ken that that's Whig polities, to speak a great heap aboot things, and do naething arter a' ? Another joined in the conversation, with that's no it ava ; it's just ...


... inadvertence or from a feeiing that the nature of the vote sanctified the inconsistency, we knew not; but we, who can venture to speak a little of the truth to both parties, must take the liberty cf informing the honourable member for the county that his conduct ...

Acirit of tit 21ournaItc

... dinnerhall, aye, though at the eapense of compromising the liberty of the press itself. For these reasons, we are permitted to speak of these feeds only from the reports of others. We have good reason to believe. however, that hub at the British and the Waterloo ...


... processions, where these appeared, or assailed the peacable inhabitants where they ware said only to have been expected. We speak of Orange festivals as being foolish ; because we confider all displays oI party triumph, which are calculated to excite feelings ...


... a man to be a curate must be as well educated as the rich diocesan. Having been myself educated at Trinity College, I can speak to the tact. I have always said that it was disgraceful that clergymen should receive a salary of only L. 75 a-year • and that ...


... an exhibition of our Senators in the Commons, immediately after carrying their gallant re. solution : Mr l'oulter rose to speak on the Municipal Reform Bill hut was a**ailed with itnpetuons shouts of Oh, Oh, Question, question, &c. The hon. Member ...

r . • - rt collected around an itinerant preacher at one of the bridges. A few shops were open

... church-going part of the community connected with the Establishment attended church as usual ; and we believe that, generally speaking, the places of worship were as well attended as they ordinarily are on the sacramental fast days. In Paisley, we understand ...


... contemporaries for our remarks pn Dens' Theology. We have now had an opportunity of verifying for ourselves what we could only speak of from the statements of others. We cannot see that any of our strictures on this subject require the slightest mollification ...

ins must on some occasions have been consider• ably bo2urcil by the speeches and votes of the Under Secrmary. A

... discussion—that they voted for it because it was for the good of the Church. Of the debates themselves we shall not attempt to speak. The limits of a weekly paper preclude their full insertion, though we have devoted to them every inch of the space we could ...


... little, to see if the Craig is redly deaf, as Burns ;shalom said, Meg was deaf as Ailsa Craig ;' but on roaring through my speaking trumpet, the Craig not only ansacred, but a large flock of wild geese started off with the noise. On pointing nut the geese ...