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... 'Mn. MAUon attempting to reply, he woo Wanilrsly Oppiosed by Fs lire Mir. eacsly, weho issrledt riser he mad nsa sight to speak. Mir. and Mlarude, sitin equslni ernegy, inssister t us lhiss evidarree liaght no be T: canaislererl as given by tire airyrtlasr ...


... Bayley to- tr wards arty snos; and, in ?? the circuit, the venerable and exceltent Jturge of whiom see have now ventrred to speak most freely, ic sute to carry nwith him the hearty and unani. i mous good wisires, assit the sircere esteem, of all, whetiser ...


... not? this is one of the inost S fmlsportant and necessary books thitstever Was published. b not, In'the meass time, speak of theexecution but b ?? for if a mas can lay.his hand upon a single E volion'e of moderate size, and say, herein I have ...

COURT of KING'S BENCD—Dublin,Jan.23

... Ijourne (the Register of the Court), will yo U .acquaint the Lordi Cbief Justice wiitt what has Isappussed'? I.| I wish to speak to his Lordsh~ip. Mr lgourne-1tis Lordship is 5t present s~itting with the .Loril Cbancellor and the other Judgca; I could ...


... shaeni that they htcd taken any.' part 1ic aeseaircs of violen'ca i l-cdr¢ 11ie pror~etnitrix h-d diet Itc'te[eitled II to Speak to thuier iitvlnlcidtd vanctiuct, hut only ?? to A Iltanatl cb.- r suctcr .cl: lulninclt. Tle 4itry .sgcl-l et thu-, inr a-ny ...


... distress are alleged to be temporary. This ob- jection arises, however, from a misconceptioet of the writer's meaning. In speaking of ' all the eauses, lie clearly alilles to the causes assigned In tlhe preceding piragrath, ito which pirn- graphs hil ...


... conduct on the stairs one day sas sn irritating, that he turned round and flttng his fist in her face. Ile was proceeding to speak in disrespectful terms of her, when her husband came up to the baft and detlared lie would Lill himi, sitnultaneously striking ...


... calendar now before me. Altboupb there are one or two cases therein of an aggraved chnracteryet they are not, geriiraily speaking, of biht description. No one can help regretting that some of the crimes, charged to have been committed, arose out of the ...


... was very sour against I I I I II tt I ! her. ktremale fiiend of Lady Erskine .vent to Lord R. and set fiimlagairnsiher, y speaking of hernsa fond of liquor, and indeed'given to every excess The Lord Mhi;yor said, there vvou IdhIe prolbab ly m6re inquiry ...


... M1r. Scortett.-Snpposesm it e paper (the contractl) to ha the. handwriuiumg of' her- uia~ter, llHsd oever heard her loos'er speak of tilt brother's fuilnre. Mr. Charles Osibornr.-By %-r. Witlionme.-Livesin Lou- dows tawsth,' plaintiff, and hasilknown hint ...


... dfwith the~fanily., it was true, the period was remotie) b1t. tteewre peiople living, in Wiltshire, who Might be'able *r* to speak to sonic facts on which they aperdto he some d'doubt. H~e wouild coil onl old lady who kad lived in the family, and she could ...


... of tinder a odeluoion oof the grassest silpersaltion. Tlo ehild, though four t years olo, rotol oseither stand, svalk, 0(r speak (it was thoghlt to be e folory struork) aod tioe graooindother ordered thle prisonter anod Manry CilH- d ford to batte situ ...