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Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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... number of sheep av id dida not equal last year's fair, with vcry little doing. The show of horses was very great, but we cannot speak highly of the their quality. htire, On the second dlay (Monday) the attendance of buyers was gre-at, unr much business dons ...


... list of the ships lust at the Northern Whale ?? since the year 1819; when titey first attempted to cross I 0 ai'Straits, It speaks, we flunk. volumes ; for before that stimne the casualties ait Greenland an~d Davis' Straits scarcely saveraged two or three ...


... market. which took place on Tues day last, was well attended. Ploughmen's wages averaged from £5 to .£f, but comparatively speaking, few were engaged. Servant-m'aids and boys were in great request, and readily en- gageit at former wages. The rattle narket ...

Corn Markets

... inferior qualities of beef brought from 7s. to 7g. fd, A nssntA: left ' lsa ssmaketsttsoli. Irg the price of sheep, gnerally speaking, a dimir? of from Is. Cl. to 2s. a lead sas experieeced on fomner prince. Blackfaceil wedlders sold, accordisg to quality ...

Cattle Markets

... 2N. OSlh and 3Os. a-head; and white.faced from .S3s. to 35s. and up to £2. Ewes, 15. to 20s. and 2ls. a-head. Generally speaking, this has been the best market for dealers that has been experieniced during the season. The fleiiers, at the commencement ...

Manufactures, Commerce, &c

... rise of full is. 2d. per Its. oa tia recrlt low quotaionis. Wool sotlr at an advarice at the late fair at freslaht, or to speak more cor- rectly, it was all sold before tire regular cossneliceenest of the fair, at con- siderably iigiser hreces than had ...

Maunfactures, Commerce, &c

... Wanzffaqtures, Commerce, &c. Stote qf Tcoarle.-Natrly all the letters alid provincial papers speak ercour- *c egingly of the present prospects of traile, In Leeds, the prices of cloths are .g so high, as to have caused some momertary decrease is the demand ...

Corn Markets

... Cattle MOCarkets. - SaIITITle LD, Moenday, Oct. 2.-Thisday'ssupply of sheep and beasts was rautier great, but, generally speaking, deficient is qualitv; the ?? of fat calves molderately gootll; of porkers limrited. Tradetwas throughout exceed. ingly dill ...


... principle, to wehichi re-1 strictionss on the import of foreign manufactured goods aer not liable. Tffhis Liverpool petition speaks of restrictions on the corn trails as at variance with the rights and privileges of free-born Englishmen. This is mere runsenseosn ...

Cattle Markets

... most part, inferiar quiality, went oif heavily. Tiresurpplies of live stock ity sea front Scoatland continue, conrparasreely speak- ing, limited. Beef, ?? OId. lot 4 4i.f BeASn-re AT, S 1.17eT, 45. Id, J: ?? Veal, .. -4s. Old. 5a s. Oil. Shreliand ...

Cattle Markets

... market hldck hereon thefith currerit, tclin, war tiont trearlp thm iati qutantity ofrcattle, and the qaiicatiy, generally speaking, n-ac tint tcipnriac. Prices far nll eileciplit tnt were raster loiter Iltaitt ia receint faire, aud titferior no-i- mtac ...


... iarticularly tirtofrttrrata, this hairs) a~s ire eecarrt tee lire hsas silor'erd shipwsreckc is the coarse of' tan oif d toys. tie speaks% very hi g hl saC o she task i ess Stort nwII beV t 1aIre tatt - to- tar of tite Frdesleica to lire steforturnitre crew, anti ...