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... understand he one of Mr Cruickshank's warmest supporter*; and. I told him at the time. if the stork be like the sample” it speaks volumes for the Intrusionists of Glas«. Wednesday evening 1 arrived at Carnie, another of the distinguished parishes. Instead ...


... Regarding the improvement in the weather, the correspondent of the Inverness I/eraUl, from the west coast of Koss-skire, speaks follows, and his account fortunately is not singular, ns applied to the country north of the Tay“ After a fortnight of cold ...


... attended with far other results than they anticipate. W hen it was to serve the passing purpose of the moment, Mr Robertson could speak of the progress society, and anticipate the arrival of the time when, as a tribute to this progress, patronage in the Church ...


... 3’ears on board the Warrior, and consequently was paid £5. 10s. Cd. The New Steam-Coach.—A steam coach, or more properly speaking, a steam carriage, an improved principle, and carrying 16 persons, belonging to the General Steam Company, w;as On Saturday ...


... Steel delivered from which we take the following, ns specimen of that gentleman's eloquence: —“Now, son of O’ConneU! lain speaking, not with rhetorical fervour, but in the utter quietude of one who is giving the cool, deliberate result of his calmest ...


... however, something in contemplation which will take the country by surprise, I have every reason to believe. If I was to speak of his probable policy in general terms. I should say. that it will liberal and lenient all English questions, but rigorous ...

the average. Th.rc were two parcels of new l*° brought 30s. and j*er quarter. There was new >’ market. Oats,

... beans. —d - CATTLE MARKETS. SMITHFIELD, An trust 16.—The supply of boasts on sale in to day’s market belli}?, comparatively speaking, inoderato and the attendance of both metropolitan and provincial dealers numerous, the beef trade was decidedly renovated ...