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... -stre iet, aft d onit tie 2 41 1i o)f 0 e iohet list while itt tho -warohollse, the pri;Sarwt. Came ill. ao14 biegged to :speak to huin Nttvre itness litepcI~ outi, anid flhe v~ue.(i looking carefilily r1Oitnl.) ssaid, 4 You (Lett know wvh: I. am, do ...


... a rival piastry-cuok anti confec- tioner, although residult at the distance of half a toile. It is, perhaps, di (lieuIttto speak oftliis casewvittiout considering its mixed qtaiatiy. There wan a lirtle of comedy, ani mauci iif tragedy, at least as far ...


... last, Mr. Browne was at his fatlher-in-law's residenee in Kent, ?? he was told tbai a gent lenian frhon Ireland wvanted to speak to him; that person proved to be. the defendant, who said he eaine to make a complaint to him of a Ar. Brisete, who was a ...

Adjourned Inquest on Richard Honey

... not boitt owt any other ?? The next witness who spoke at all to any one, was Johun Pooke; the interveniing witnesses did not speak at all. A-fr. Poo1ke stopt and said, 'u this is like the officer to whom' I spoke.7 - I inquired the name of that person, and ...

Adjourned Inquest on Richard Honey

... iurmnireri some words to himself, and pointing at me said, that he should know me again; I do remember two per- sons on horseback speaking to me; they were not my friends; there were two persons on foot, one of whorn I believe said, that he wished me well through ...


... t~aitngt titie appiearancelt't 01CtO gttfr by a Ctill oc icevir r Jut' h imlidti et st'verC rtilii-ge'l, but. trill CisC speak ptointedlyl shout titeiti. It~ ul fier iois viilt' liley ditecetuoc ?? seas itnvty thai-k touitd ise-e b~ tle- ial-r eye, seimli ...

Adjourned Inquest on Richard Honey

... to ?? their party, the mob came oG again. and proceeded to pelt them as before. Up to the period of which I hare now been speaking, I had not heaird any repot of fire-arms. In some time after, it might be five. six, or seven inutes, I heard a report of ...


... tetiy had stooped to suds a Cuse as this,, te isever comes into Coort Ittt with a case ttmat can. scarcely tie Pf resisted. I speak. Piou experietice of ?? I have kiios% n artd 'felt. But I fuel nowDV in the part hinttusted to me in dsefending it the victim ...


... Stock Exchange, in the-course of the last few days, to put a stol io that mode of transacting business called 'Options, dr, to speak more intelligibly, the sacrifice of a certaiui per centage for the option of taking or deiivering stock at a given period, ...


... between her sons inl the Poultry prison, some ?? took place about the forgery on the Bank; but of the fact she could got speak with certainty, nor indeed conld any particularity have been expectedt from her Ladyship, ov'ing to her agitation when the ...

COURT of KING'S BENCH.—Friday, Nov. 23. LIBEL

... prisoners for a week. Thayers, it is said, will never recover the use of his limnbs: he is bruised in a shocking manner, and speaks with much difficulty. Mlessrs. TREWMAN and Co. respectfally an- nounce to their Friends they have within their own knowledge ...


... the geistleninan in person. On going to tile house the genetle. man passed her on horseback on the road ; she atteinited to speak to hun, but he harriedI on rapidly. She was cotnvinced that he sawi aid knew her, for he lioked b.aek several tiames, but rode ...