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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Harley-street, Caendish- square, London. MARRIAGES. At this place, on Saturday. Mr Williams, to Mrs Southgate, both of the Theatre-Royal. On Tuesday fe'nnigbht, at York, Robert Cottam, Efq. of St. Edmund's Hall, Oxford, to Miss Fanny Maynard, daughter of ...

MARRlAGES. On Thurfi

... Martha Sharp, both of that town. * At Matlock, Mr Cooke, the celebrated actor, to the younger Mifl Walcop, of Covent-Garden theatre. DEATHS. On Monday eveninJ ladl, 'at this place, fudiljely, Captain John Brown, mafler of the Manchefter, of this port, and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... the bui8 Alert, to Mifs Eflill, both of that place. At Doncafler, Mr. Jarmasa, to Mifs Martha Maria Errington, both of the Theatre-Royal. DEATHS. On Saturday fe'nnight, aged 49, Mrs Eliiabeth Atkinfon, w idow ot the late Mr Atkinfon, book- binder, and daughtrr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Davi nreux, eldest danghter of Lord Hereford. At Ma lock, Mr Cooke, of Cpvent Garden Thentre to Mi-; -'sale-op, of the ame theatre. At - Thomas. Ur n-, Xsq. nephewr to Lord N k- borough, to ' Rigilt Hon. L:r',y Chelrlotee E I- I srse, a hte -4 tlle Earl ...