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... fold by Thomas Weir, Sutgcon, in Edinburgh, to whom only the Secret of compofmg the fame was communicated, by Katherine Anderfon, Daughter to Dr Anderfon, who did, by an Affignation and Declaration made by her in favour of the faid Thomas, not ...

Published: Sat 25 Oct 1740
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5466 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

liodf that the Street Belly w fupport it re- and Jury of Matrons impanelld found not A 1 ' vtfAVA

... Court of France’s Orders for pufhing on with all Vigour the repairing the Fortifications of Dunkirk notwithftanding M Amelot’s hardy Anfwer to the Lord Waldegrave to the contrary with this Addition there is Bilander or Craft all along the Coaft be hir’d nor ...

Published: Tue 28 Oct 1740
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2065 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

York Oftobtr x\, 17401 To the .Free Citizens of Y.ork. Gentlemen, AT a Meeting Yefterday of the Right Hon: the

... May 19, 1687, i •' to difpone to the faid Thomas' the whole Power of compofmg, vending and I frllinp, the faid Pills, during all the Days of his Life, difcharging all other Perfons \ whatfoevcr, &c. And Thomas Weir only communicated the Secret to his ...

Published: Sat 08 Nov 1740
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6182 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

From WEDN January it, to anuary 34. 1740-4 242 From the linden Evenini Pog, lop. 22. We hear that the

... Col. Defcury's Regiment 6 here.' of Foot, to be Lieut. Col. of Col. Mordatinee. Huntingdon Jan. to. Laft Saturday Dobinfod Thomas Hopfon Major in General Clayton's Regiment of al i as Panter, ;has Nutt, was committed to our Gaol, will: Foot, to .be Lieut ...

as but b-ve been were ftrutting about Port-Roy with their Cockades when this Gentleman parted that they were ..

... found to be a Woman dreffed in Mens Cloaths and fays formerly liv’d at Thame Oxfordlhire And this Day William Royfton and John Hardy were alfo committed to our Gaol for robbing on the Highway We (hall have more Prifoners tried for divers Offences than at any ...

Published: Tue 27 Jan 1741
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2115 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

From the London Even

... his Labourer so miserably wounded, that be died in two Days in inexpressible Torture. The Accident was owing to the Fool-hardiness of the Bricklayer who would break his Bricks in the Mill with his Trowel that is supposed by meeting with a Stone to have ...

Caufe, and for the Preftivation of the tibettics, and. fiTe Balance of Power in Europe. We acknowledge Your Ma. ..

... Privatcers, and that their Owners were in great ExpeCtations of Succels from them, they being prime Sailors, and their Crews hardy Fellows; they laird together, and are to be joint Sharers in any Booty. Wednefday the Sellions began at the Old Bailey, when ...

LONDON, June 16

... compleaily luted lor £ea, nnd lali Week her Pennant was hoilted. She is call'd the Rupert's Prize, and commanded by Charles Hardy, Efq; who brought her home. The laft Privateer taken by the Rupert Man of War is arrived in the River. When the above Priva ...

Published: Sat 20 Jun 1741
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1243 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Court a Memorial to :he following Purpnfe t ti High Mightinefres had with great Concern heard that Differences ..

... and Saltafh (which, all that came out for London) betides thufe arriv'd at Britiol and Liver- We hear that 6030 Mn will (hardy be lent to the Well- Indies, of Old Regiments; and that new Regiments will be railed to fupply t heir Place. And alfo, that ...

LONDON, July 28

... lb. Weight each, the ■ Men happening to be all afhore, but he had not Strength •enough to attack the Town; and in 1587 Sir Thomas « Cavendilh took two Ships here, but durit not attempt the « Town. In 16S1 the Buccaneers attack'd the Town, « which being ...

Published: Sat 01 Aug 1741
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1604 | Page: 2, 3 | Tags: none

fbit is to give NO f ICE, THAT Mrs. l)od's Great Room there will be an Aflembly on Tuefday ike

... Completion, had on a lip,ht colour'd Coat wuh Brafs Buttons, a green Damibk Waiftcoat, and a brown Wig ran away from his M after Thomas Mott> of Saltry in the County of Wool Comber, the 17th Day July lifl; This therefore give Notice, that any will inform his ...

Published: Thu 13 Aug 1741
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1753 | Page: 4 | Tags: none