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LONDON. December %

... Neighbour- hood were allb inferted, and threatned with horrid Imprecations, Curlings, and defying the Proclamation. Ttrfdav Thomas De Veil, Efq; one ot tne Juftices cf Peace 'for the County of Mtddiefex, received a Let- ♦er that Ivs Houfe ift Leicefler-Fielcls ...

Published: Sat 05 Dec 1730
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1093 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... of this Port, is 101 l on the Coail of Carolina ; .as is the Thomas, C. Devereux, from Cadiz or this Place, on the Coati of Ireland. Gibraltar, Jan. 0. S. The Anna Maria, Capt. George Hardy, bound from London to Leghorn and Naples, was unfortunately forced ...

... and the Prin. ceffcs, dincd this Day with Sir Robert Wat.' pole at his Houle in Clicllea. Yrficrday dy'd at Hampacad Sir Thomas Hardy, Knt. formerly Rear-Admiral of the Rcd, which he refign'd, being advanced its !cars, w live retied; ' As to Foreign Affairs ...


... are employ'd in repairing and beautifying his Majclty's Caftle th&rc. On Weanc'day died advane'd Age at Hampfte*d, Sir Thomas Hardy, Knt. firft Commiffioner the Sewers, and one of his Ma jelly's J 01 the Peace for Middlefcx, who was Knighted in the Reign ...

Published: Thu 24 Aug 1732
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2744 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

From WYe ' s Letter, Auguft 17

... anfwering the Expence, a lealotify is entertain' d of fome further Defign being in V.ew. Tefterday died at Hmpftead Sir Thomas Hardy, Baronet ; he was Rear-AAmirahf the Red Squadron in the Tear 1718, in the Mediterranean. The Aliion which then happen' ...

Published: Thu 24 Aug 1732
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 594 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Accident Lajl the Solebay of War paid off at Woolwich three Sal-lors who received 40 each took a Boat into

... Accident they were all drown'd except one Man who Javed himfelf by fwimming Deaths At Hampflead in an advanced Age Sir Thomas Hardy Knt firjl CommiJJioner of the Sewers his Majejly' JuJiices the Peace for the County of Middlesex : He was Knighted in the ...

Published: Tue 29 Aug 1732
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1542 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

From the London Guette; Aug. 2.

... in the (aid Abbey, near that of Dr. Atteroury, late Bilhop of Rochencr, purfuant to his &quell. Lan Tnurfday Night Sir Thomas Hardy's Funeral was perform'd, according to the Directions left by his Will, from the Jerufalein Chamber to Wellmmiler Abbey ...

From Wye's Letter, 'Auguft 16

... Governor of Bengali, is come over Paffenger in her. Laft 7 hurfday Night was interred in Weftminfter Abbey, the Corpfe tf Sir Thomas Hardy, of whom the following Accounts are publifhed, viz. That he was the Perfon who got the firft Intel- ligence^ ofthe Galleons ...

Published: Thu 31 Aug 1732
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 719 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... the on* the Loid I orrington, Admiral Thomas Hales, one the Com mi Hi oners of Board Green- Cloth; Cant. Baladine, Gentleman 1 Tames Eckerfall, Efq; Clerk of the Kichcn, and Quarterly Waiter Philip Pot:, and Thomas Symonds,Ekjs.Giooir so Chamber. creare ...

Published: Thu 31 Aug 1732
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2550 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

AD FE RTISE ME NTS are defired to be fent in on every Thurspal ADVERTISEMENTS. STolen or fhay'd off Crofsgau

... A Very good Farm at Ktlltngyjorth, with good Houfes, Byers, amd Bams, with i huge Common, and othet'Privileges: Enq ; . Thomas Hardy, at the Chede Shop, dt^he Htftdof the Croat MarkiU in Ntvjcajlie, Oto tie Ittt from 'jU&Hap onb .ttlap.-oan ncit, A Farm ...

Published: Sat 21 Oct 1732
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2359 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Friday and Sunday Ni

... Demand of the Portugucfc, whole Number h confiderablc, 'tis feared will an ftacle : Kay, it'sdoubtcd whether any one will hardy enough to mention to the : and yet, as the Portuguetc were taken under the San&ion of the Britifh Flag (the giving which to ...

Published: Thu 03 May 1733
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2500 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Marriages The Hon Mr Jufiice Lee to Mrs Celebrated Comedian Mr Booth after labour-Melmotb Relitt of Mr Melmotb ..

... the Rev Mr William Goodwin of Glamor ganfhire The Rev Thomas Le- land w as lately prefented to the Vicarage of Corth-nevj in the County of Cornwall and Diocefe of Exeter As was the Rev Mr Simon Hardy to the Rettery of Cottingham in the County of Norfolk ...

Published: Tue 22 May 1733
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1524 | Page: 4 | Tags: none