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Northumberland, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... however, is suc- ceeded by a Bitter, possibly to facilitate Digestion, and the with- drawal of Support by many of the leading Whigs of the Dis- trict, speedily evinced their Detestation and Scorn at the vacil- lating Politics of its present ENtRoETIL EDITOR:-to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BAcscKWooD, Edinburgh; and TuIOA1AS CADELI., Lon(lon. lBLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. No, CCXIX., fbr MA RCH, 1834. CONTENTS, 1. Whig Prosecutions of the Press.-Il. The Cruise of the Midge. Clial). 1.-1 I.lines on Welhington. By W.G.- IV. Progress of Social ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -V. The Sketcher. No. 9._VI. Mora Campbell. By the Eitrick Shepherd-VII. The Church and its Enemies, Letter from a Liberal Whig. VIII. Thie Ciesars. Chap. 4. The Patriot Enperors.-IX. Gregory Hipkins, Esquire, surnamed the Unlucky.-X. Aurora. A V1isiot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... party? 6eistlernen, tlits is it new turn of their never straighit Whig policy. It is ?? ottly new, however, but it is striking atid insteritclive; fosr it tells us plainly, that the Whigs tlsemselves care nothing I-or reform, atid all for power ; is tiuth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... must all forego Sometlirrg; I -ve IllUSt distrust tile Advocates of Extremes ;-we must I unlearn thle Byewsords of Tory, and Whig, and Radlical, which belong to Parties norw past from the political World, and which have little Application to the View taken ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sketches by HBl from the Portfolio of the Ettrick Shepherd. No. 2. L-d 1-mn to Joseph Gri- maldi. IEq.-XI. A Whig as fie oaiht to be-a Pure Old Whig.-X II. Dana's Buccaneer.-XI1I -The Result ofthe Elections. WstLIAM Br.ActrWooD and Sols, Edinburgh; and T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tin, 3LACK WOODrS EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. B No. CCXXXIf for MARCH. C ONTsENTS: 1. Shall we have a Conservative Governtnentt iI1. Whig or Tory-III-Lays of the 1Levellers. No. 1. Go the whole Hog !-IV. The Cruise of the Midge. Chap. 12. My Unrcle. -V. Nursery ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Canadta Qiresiion.-XII. 4' How Swvift is ui Glunice of the Mid! X111. NIOI1iSSlt o MePS, Chip. 17.-X[V. Letter Irum a Lilieral Whig.-XV. N-ursery llthyrues.-XVI. Foreign Military Biography.-XVII. Muniicipal and Corporate Hr. volution. WIILI.iAI BL.AKrWooD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... family, tnd his friiutl-and by ilie most diligent and anxious discharge of his dottes, Iln gentrdl he hits co-operated with the Whigs, but without ever conIle- seending to be a mere tool of party. 'I'ii principles be has ti- vocated and supported have been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mt~iie~ more-humble, is bent oin star-gazing;, gotrfqs1 ?? n ow greet, and great metaesas - /lse T&rles are set, atid thi~ Whigs are iow blazinff,_ -; :-Kingsi isatesmen5, loigicians,nand sons of old Mars. - Biut Sthe star,.;niever setting, -aye brilhisittly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... huimble, is bent oni star-gazing; ar if For clever's now great, and great men arc stars; ce g The Torires are set, aln the Whigs are nowv blazing,- th I- Kings, statesmen, logieia ns, and solls of old Mars. Pr But the star,-ncver setting, aye brilliantly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Xi. Vernal Stanzas by Dclta. XII. The Song of' Demodocus. Translated by Sir D. K. Sandford. X lI I . Letter from a Liberal Whig. XIV. Tlle Sillcr Gun. A Poem, in five Cantos, by John Inllae. WLt.tJAM BLAcKsoon and SoNS, Edinburgh; and THoMiAs CAnre t ...