Advertisements & Notices

... to dissent from the writer on one or two points. We are no Whigs ourselves, nor ever were ; hut aise do not renognise either common sense or common justice in the epithet base and bloody WhIgs, a nickname adopted by the Cobbettites from the ?? of their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oft e ..e44'N1r STAR, of SATURDAY Unlnary 5th, 1839 ?? be preieuted with. a finely executed ENGRAYVINTG A, lLLUSTRAtrVE OF WHIG LOYALTY n \ AND .IMORAL FORCE. THE ENGRAVING WILL CONTAIN PORTRAITS OF V.DWA1iD BAINES, Esq., M.P. ZDW4A3RD BAINES, Jun. ...


... contemporary's attack upon the Whig Myth, The glorious revolution is always interesting topic, and abundant leisure might appropriately relieved by a demonstration, which might founded on a text from Lord Byhox, that the Whigs have occasionally been out ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TiEIP;DEPEIND-ENT. WHIG of To-Morrow fI1 v.l ?? Ef}To the'I'RIAL and CON- VICTION ?? M WI-lTE 'which took place on Friday, with a calnia :d ipal tial appeal to:tihe Reader on the extraordinary Defence ot Mr. SCAR LxT-, a3nd its deviation from the principle ...


... many friends of progress, and cause a loss of several seats to the Liberal party. The Whigs will have uneasy time of the hustings next July, ami when a trimming Whig opposed a hearty and sincere Reformer, it is neit doubted which side the sympathies of ...


... and condemns alike the ex-Whig leader. Lord Palmerston. his colleague and rival. Lord John Russell, his old enemy and new ally. Mr. Bright. Sir John Ramsden, the Whig candidate for the West Riding, whose return was hailed by Whigs all over the country special ...


... two pounds. They are a kind called weavers, and were grown Mr. Fergus Osborne, Kilsarrel, n-ar Dromore.—Belfast Northern Whig, July 6. Not a single instance of the potato disease has •>« yet appeared in Montgomeryshire, and the plants look exceedingly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - N'hig and Tory also were ilrst used as erossof mutual reproach at this time. The Whigs vwre so denominated fromna cant name given to four 9cotoh Conventisler= (Whig being milk turned sour.) The Tories were denominated from the Irish bandltti. -o called ...

Advertisements & Notices

... goaded by the pranks of these dirty Whig devils, they should be compelled to employ PRYSICAL FORCE in SELF-DEFENCE, on the cowardly heads of these diabolical malignants be the consequence. Patience is exhausted. The vile Whigs are forewarned. Let them recollect ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ed by the prospect of gain, you are a Whig-a ivarm reformist-pure amid patriotic ; I have, thereflore, no hesitation in addressing von thus piublicly to inmplore that vou will use your endeavours wvith your Whig client, Mr. James Henry Mills, to openly ...


... some further adherents from among the old Whig party. \advocating a Reform Bill a little in advance of last, but still widely different front that pro- posed by John Russell, which, it appears, many of the old Whig families dislike as much as the Conservatives ...

Advertisements & Notices

... president of the United States arc thus given by the New York Herald: Genwral Pierce, democrat; Generat Scott, whig; Daniet Webster, uenion whig; J. P. Hale, freesoiter W~illiam Goodell. liberty sano; Governor Trroupe, secessionist. Wmo. Downs, off Ho ...