Advertisements & Notices

... takes exception to the remark - The Whigs are very mueh oat of place in any party which claims to be thoroughly wad tnlrdyiberal. and adds- Did it not cecur to the writer that the herenitary bead and front of the Whigs (tbe Duke of Argyllt baa stood in ...


... inasmuch as it rebuts the charge of domestic influence and family cqnnexion same- times urged to excess the Whig Government. It is the misfortune of the Whigs, as well as their strength and their glory, that long adherence to the same political traditions has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... result of the Vestry Meeting last week has n added to the many and deep mortifications which , both sections of the Leeds Whigs have lately had to endure. The rejection of their chosen ones by e the assembled parishioners, and the elevating of work- ...


... friends of that weekly journal not content with the unexpected triumph of the late Derby Borough Election, must needs with true Whig malice, force the delayed and concentrated bitterness of this week's leading article on unoffending individuals, who hap. pity ...


... seem to have been receding on the opposite track. The Tories were whilom accused of stealing the Whigs' clothes as their owners were bathing. Are the Whigs altogether free from the imputation of having picked up the cast-off garments of defunct Conservatism ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /J4Lroctober nexrt, ARTHUR W. S. ANDREVS, Secretaries pro tem. Tickets to be had from the Secretaries, and at the 1lorthern Whig, Mercury, and Banner of Ulster Of- fices. 2075 5 ...


... seen. Either issue will be but the beginning of the end of the American Union, unless we may hope, from the ascendancy of the Whig party, an utter abrogation and abandonment of the Polk policy of territorial aggrandizement. The fruits of the Annexation ...

The Queen and the late Review.—His Royal Highness the Field Marshal Commandingin-Chiet' lias received the ..

... Cabinet at the First Lord the Treasury's official residence in Downing-street to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon. A meeting of Whig members of Parliament was held lust evening to consider the Irish Compensation Bill. hear that the meeting was thinly attended ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Co-operative So- ; cieties in Re8''Lion squiare, Gray's'l& Lane, or any otber port of the town. . . J. RUSSELL, Sec. THE WHIGS :THE WHIGS THE WHIGS!!! T0 kno*'they haive deceived us, .READ the LECTUARE of dT H. HUNT. Esq.,dellveced at Lawreoce-Chapel, Birminghamn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... that to employ PoPAYs is a part of the principle of the Whig administration of our affairs. The magistrate who presided at Mr. FROST's examina- tion is a Whig member of parliament; and is so true a Whig, that before any person had been committed for trial ...

Advertisements & Notices

... institution, Theobald's Road, on TUESDAY Evening next, at Eight o'clock, to take into consideration the tyrannical conduct of a Whig ministry; relative to the Persecution of the Press. H. HUNT, Esq. will take the Chair. No person can be admitted without the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 SDAY, I1th October,. at FIVE o'Clock, P. M. The Article to be seen EMr 'LY's. (86 THE NORTHERN WHIG. T a.Meeting of a few Friendsof The INorthern Whig, pon Tuesday, the 24th July 1832, JOHN BARNETT, Esq. in the Chair, held for the purpose of taking ...