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... Wyvth, Certainly, numberless poetical beauties. Mil- ton was a Whig, and, in my mind, an Atheist. I am persuaded his poem was composed to apologiss for the devil, who cer- tainly was the first Whig on record. He entered at Christ Church, Oxford, in 1798, ...


... the.great a , Sovereign power,9f tbei State, d duiles what the ?? can't eudervepur I For King, Peoplds and Whigs It don'tcare three figs; Whigs ore oe1, 1nd Th e s , 'oses5 oe never I a Old Wa wick of.r4i'a Was KJig..maer tiiau ' ; . In a period of e ...


... th What thing upon his back had got In Did wonder more and more. on It Away went Robert-neck or nought oe Past Radical and Whig; oi Ee little thought when he began If His bill would be so big, di The Peeg did bark, the Herald scream'd, Out spoke the farmers ...


... whenever I have seen the experiment tried, the operator was always tired before the toad.- Archbiskop ?? Conmmon Place Book. WHIGS AND TouRse.-I have come to the discovery that I am a divine-right Tory. That name, at least, is often applied, and I can't ...


... again, if they should try, Which nobody can deny. Next him comes of old Cr-r. at sixty a prig, A wldggfed Tory and torvl afi'r Whig; I ho looks very small, though he talks very bi., Which nobody can deny. WVho tells us-and ne'er let such truths be forgotten- ...


... ages our sorrows shall tell;e Bernfd by the Land we thought noble and just, Blesied home of ouor Fathers farewzeh c CASSIUS, A WHIG. S Preceded by their priests, and followed ty their sons, they proereded tothe sepulelhres ottheirfathers, and Niler~l vineatlmt- ...


... fuel, Mr. Playfair won t catch me at hazard or whist, 'Mr. Coward was winged in a duel. Mr. Wise is a daunce, Mr. King is a whig, Mr. Coffin's uncommonly sprightly, -And huge Mr. Little broke down isna gig, While driving fat Mr. Golightly. Mrs. Drinkwater's ...


... alluded to. I THE RETROSPECT. to bef When Pitt was Premier,! des I chanted To Paeans. ing And held the loftiest Whigs at bay, he As well as base Plebeians; anc I fill'd old Jacobins with awe, ens Distorting fact and reason, pre Whene'er 'twas ...

Literary Notice

... Riteravp POtice. LHisoiry of the Whig NMinisti-y of 1830 to the .Passing Of the 1?efor-m Bill. By John Arthur Roebuc~k, M.F. 2 vols. 8vo. John W. Parker and Son,1 r Teredon, 1852. r Teeis scarcely an event of greater importance in the a' history of this ...


... dormant i'th' land; p But if all the world tells us not stories, The wind scatter'd seed fro' his fist, For in soarting up Whigs with the Tories, Its thought that some Tories have miss, Tol de rol. d Chandos has a plough rather shallow, 0 And he's ploughed ...


... to Lord B-m: My lord, it devolves on you and me To choose for our lKing, who has left us free To select such servants, good whigs atnd true, As we need, our measures to carry through. This, my dear learned lord, is no bad thing, And we;re mush indebted ...


... speaks thus of the difficulties Lord John has to contend with :- If Lord John goes too far In reform, he is checked bytho Whigs; if he does not go far enough, he is abused by the Radicals; if lie steers a medium course be is reproached for want of energy ...