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Saturday's Post

... Saturday's Post. Thurfday May 12. INTELLIGENCE POLITICAL, Whig and Tory, More ufeful and entertainging, than that of War and the letter from John Wilkes, Efq; Member of Parliament, t.f the Secretaries of State, demanding the ftolen goods to fettored to ...


... refraflory ? Tq A/i Independent Whig, pr nt e r> ic\El bu» us , that he took up his pen with -his to l,ndcccive the P eo P le - this was \ to r? ret that h« miltook the 'din rom °te quite the contrary, viz. the k r?v P ople. The Whigs, fays he, • k ai)d the ...

From the London Chronicle

... what individual can you the blame thereof juftly at- 3 ,n ted Whigs rail at that great man, I to L- re^u^es to take you in : but I defy AA Jie s lar that is wrong or wicked. bft can as Whigs; no reafon can per■ Co,lv ' n you I fhall therefore leave grease ...


... laid, that there is now ready for the prefs, a treatife (hew, that at this junfture, it is wholly improper for the tpublican Whigs and Prelbyterians to endeavour to wriggle lemlelves into power ; and that it is more likely, well as lore reafonable, that ...


... is faid, that there is now ready for the prefs, a treatife that at this junfture, it is wholly improper for the ■publican Whigs and Prefbyterians to endeavour to wriggle lemfelves into power ; and that it is more likely, well tore reafonable, that aft ...

Cljc ssalieburp journal

... yreat alfembly, did ot he fhew hintelf uniformly a tiave to pride, malice, re- enge and envy ? the Duke of P —- for being a Whig; Fie then prailes hich, to be fure, is a great and noble character; but then » who has thewn himtelf hat muik become of Mr ...

PRICES of C O K N ac Devizes Market

... and leall on Quin ! This Grace, before and after laid, Fat Jack was good alive and dead.” E PITA P 11. TIERE lieth neither Whig nor Tory, But one who lov’d good wit, good dory; mummy he, embalm’d svith fade, Shall outlive 'June, —Al.u ! plump Jack. NED ...

LONDON, Thursday, March 6. Letters from Rome fay, that though the young Pretender is received ami treated every ..

... vigour when Englifhmen have the helm.” hear a Gentleman of diflinguifhed abilities, who held a conddorable Pod under the old Whig Minidry, and is now almoll the only one who has not been provided for lince the acccdion the prefent, will fhortly be appointed ...

of Jcrmin-ftrect; and immediately after the ceremony, they fet out for their in Hamplhire. There is report, ..

... . The virtue of the prefent Miniftry, very high. Among them Holies, Conw'ay, Grafton, Rockingham, fettled fair ’weather, a Whig Adminijlration, general •warrants, fines, imprifonments, pillory, &c. The fpiiits in the oppofite tube were obferved to fink ...

♦» f1

... heats and aniraofities between families, friends and relations ; of reviving the old odious dillin&ions and appellations of Whig and Tory ; of fomenting mean and irreconcileable national prejudices between the northern and fouthern parts of this kingdom ...

No Letters received tinlcfsToftpaid

... purpofe for this work, and never before publilhed. While yon read our patriot page, Scorn the Tory’s idle rage; And with loyal Whigs combine To read, and fmile at ev’ry line ; Sons of freedom laugh away, Honed Hearts are always gay. • . London printed for ...