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Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)


... rose up; and one old, rag- the ged wompan csme forward, and burst through the throg howling, and flinging about her le-an armis, an dbaighr old, shrulnken breast. It never saw1 a finer ac-tion ftai arele 5woe, or heard sounds more pitiful than those ...


... and there lies the gist of the matter at preselt .'] There is not a man pr living can say I sought it; no, not a man nor a woman W( treading on English ground. lBut, contemplating the b sad condition of these lnationls, relicved from an intestine ha war ...


... rate, has become indispensable to *the title of that birdC composite class of fiction whi Iich occupies the debiteable tremi land between travels and romaneO; somlotilues, in its bodyj border recklessiv se, a~scendirlg to heights of'extrava- so thi gair ...


... both the Lmeral aiid the particular, my ha own s;.l coevicti'n is, that before either paupers cao he ' dsalt isit'' or wsaste lands and colonies get to turn out gi other than infilatlions and futilities for them, government V must do tlc niost original thiug ...


... what concerns their interests, they seldom' or never appear on the scene at all. Except that we hear now and then of mighty armies, aiod battles in which thousands got killed to gratify the vanity, ambition, or covetousness of the few, there might as 'well ...


... in 15 years, 25 millions were unaccounted for. The commissioners of hackney coaches were accessible, and peculation ia the army was discovered by a chance petition of the dwellers in a country town. By this it appeared that the inhabitants of Royston ...


... notes, is nowv ?? us. i Pedro I., of Castile, must be ranked among those i luckless personages, who, like Richard III. of Erg- land, have teen so hardly entreated by the poets and chroniclers, whose prejudices were enlisted against them, that it is hopeless ...


... Duke of Saxony, Prince of Ssxe Coburg and Goths, Knigkt t of our most noble Order of the Garter, and Field-marsbal In e, our army-our right trusty and right entirely-bdloved at cousin and councillor Walter Francis Duke of Buccleouch and d- Queensberry, ...


... anything ai th or obefud nte ttte ?? or Mary_ F ag- land. so- Two articles Iof the brute creature forbid cruelty to do- Or her mestic animals, and secure the right of pasturage in unin-b sialI closed lands te all persons driving cattle, *ed Some of the above ...


... introduction, is found to contain an excellent exposition of the actual condition of land tenures, rent, and taxes, in the country between the JumnaI and Ganges, and on the lands immediately to the west of the former and the east of the latter river. Tbe review ...


... de- scription of a battle, written by a woman who wit- nessed it. If, as ill-natured people used to say, Tom Campbell owed half his reputation to the accident of his having been in a belfry at HohenUnden, a woman's recital of similar events, though not ...


... Chatterton; Mr. M'Gregor, M.P. ; the Governor of the Bank of England and Mrs. Hankey, Deputy-Governor of the Bank of Eng- land; the Dowager Lady Napier, the Hon. W. Bathurst, Alderman Humphery, M.P., and Mrs. Humphery, Alder- man Sidney, M.P., Mr. Plowden ...