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... of no 1e8s than 15 families, all apparently iu situations of respectability anlid comfort, who intend to elltiarate to the Land of Promise in the ensning spring. Mlally of those who (11T guile tre :tsted to b-- t.Izen bofhi working tools,. and the models ...


... PO E TR Y. tXTRACTS FROM WOMAN, A POEM, By E. S. BJRRE TT, Evq. CHARIM OF MODESTY. n TO gnard that Virtne, to supply the place ,f r~t1PdvW, wanting il the gentle race, Lo, nnttesty vvas gilelt. uiyst ilot1s spell, vithose hilish cMn) sihaoe, whowe pitilic ...


... Joint Stock C'ompany, with a capital of one million, for the cultivation of the Waste Lands by Spade Husbandry. IHe says it cannot be doubted, that. 10,000 acres of land, lying entirely waste, may be purchased at a moderate rate; and he estimates the bringing ...


... O T- - I POETR t T}I JOYS oF MEETING. WhENt the friends whom we lore. in a mournful time quit tbeir dear native land for a' foreign elime. OhI what is Ibe angifisghthat enfd9 the heart In pronouncing tile sorrowful .words vwe part l But the countless ...


... hishand, and which he himself used in the civil wars, is painted from one in the possession of his descendant MSr. Frank- land, M.P. His countenance exhibits that shrewdness, and designing, and courage, whvkich eventually procured him the supre;me power ...


... That villain placeinan, would the land enslave.' Fot that his neighbour had indeed a place, ?? would accept one-that was his disgrace; Who, in his turn, was stire my father plann'd To revolutionize his native land. lie dared the most destruclive things ...

Oracle of Fashion

... inerican t negroes were invited to see them, and a small portion of land 1. offered to each wvho should marry. The proposal was highly 0 agreeable to the men; nor did these young ladies of landed pro- pesty give themselves the airs wvhich are sometimes observable ...


... ijoini is'- Lordship. Much-is-'-Oartfieq~arly ?? Brigade, lately ffr~led iindelk the superintendi QfCaptain Cbarl4., ofth rtih- army, now -Lie 6 teibant Colonel of-kigineerb.- SPANISH To*N,. toafiAg.. 31,41819.-Tlie twra~wag8swthidh ~t ?? ?? ?? ?? efted F ...


... umder the title of the Colun- tess Angela Oldi, arrived on the 10th instant, at Mar- seilles. Au Englishman, formerly in the army, was ar- rested on Monday in one of the cqfev of the Paluis Royal, for indulging himself in seditious language. Several Englishmeu ...

Oracle of Fashion

... her, she possesses sprightliness and ct-~t articulation; but she does not give us that elegant repr. sentation ofa well-bred woman, that we were accUt-' 11,d long ago to see in Lady Terizzle, and which, indeed we alnost despair of seeing rec;ived. The graceful ...


... Wolf, you should see they are there. 'Tis thus with the army you wish to disband, Those bristles which form the defeuce of our lrand,' And should any good Wolf with his 'cunning, pritead An army in 'peace cannot an~wer anl end; 'When he tells you tbey' ...


... the East India Company, when lie estimated value of the lands in cultivation isadded to 1,072,427,751 the publicand private property, can- not amount to less tha ?? Total estimated value of the landed and) public and private property of' the £4,081,530,895 ...