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LONDON—OcroHits 22

... leceived in town, that xi Ambaffador from the Dey of Algiers had landed at Ramfgate. The proper ollicers fct off on Mon- day to conduct l'.Sm to town. This ambalia.lor, we learn, landed without haying performed qua- rantine. TudHay, the Lord Mayor was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Warburton, of Bridge- houles. ] e A few days fince, at the Quakers' Meeting-Houfe, in Leeds, 'ir. Jolnah Fairbank, of Sheffield, land-furveyor, Is, to Mifa Crbhut, daughter of Mr. F. Carbut, of the former k- place, merchant. - . Ar the Collegiate 'Church, in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Thiomas New, far- mer, in the parifli of Henlipi for d:riving his matter's team too haffily ?? the fireet, whereby a poor woman, unable to get out of IS the way, was throwir under the wheels of the Ls waggon, and very much huirt. i Cotnmitted'to'Worc ...

-At. Kilvatten, isla

... The fecond battalion of the 53d regiment cqmpofel of the Lancafhire army of referve quartered for Come time paft in the county of Cumberland, have received their route for Ire. land. On the 7th inil. the non-commilioned officers and privates of Captain ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... an inte-. rof resting young woman from Crail, vas lodged in the goal of ad Cupar, on a charge of havisg poisoned her mother.- sri- he poison, a large quantity of arsenic, was given a- mongst tea: and the unfortunate woman survived the er- swallowing it ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... seising his Y-ing a atI (:lountry isv an Officer il tihe Army. 0 'Y Died at Inverness, on the .31st of August, the FRverend Dr y, WVitrti-: Tt l'', ulctor of NorlalltOlt, iJ thei county of Rut- t land, &c. a tIn On Feidar last an Extraordinary N.ieetiulg ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... andl lively 'emOtiOsiS of grie,, that we announce the DEATH od HER M4-. JESIY QJUEES CROLINE OF ENGLAND. This illustrious woman, whom. all her numerous and power- fult eurnies yad taboured- for y ears, but uwsuccessfully, to crsh., is, by thc last eneiiy ...