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North Wales Chronicle


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North Wales Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... Free., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN t THIAT thea Guardians have, PoSTPONED tile t ELECTION of Mlaster and Matron of the Union Workhouse, ipreviouslyadvertised in tiis Paper to take place on the 13th instant) till AtUnsDAY' the 12th day of MA.RCt, next, when ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONTRACTS FOR PROVISIONS, &c. A LL persons desirous of Contracting with the A Guardians of this Union for supplying the Workhouse, until the 24th of September next, vith Bread, Flour, Meat, Grocery, C/leese, Butter, Milk, Rice, Coals, Soap, Cavdles, Split ...

Advertisements & Notices

... re- quested to deliver in Sealed Tenders (with Sanm- - ples of such Articles as can be given,) at the s Board-room of the Workhouse, near Helvwell, on: Tit nsunAl, the 22nd day of Deceniber instant, by TIwelve o'clock at Noon. Security -will be required ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wrilliams, Oraii- pln ville, and Wrilitam' Oll Bankl WE FESTINIOG UNION.q, ty ANTED a GOVERNOR and MATRON, a so W for the Workhouse in this Union. The f le amount of the Salary may be known, and other ut particulars had, on application at the Board Room ...

Advertisements & Notices

... inclined to offer for the situa- tion upon applyinlg to me at my office in C'hapcl- street, or, at the Board Ioom of the Workhouse. THOMAS JONES, Clerk to the Hoard of Guardians. Holywell; August 23, 1843. CARNA~RVONSIRRE. SALE OF E{STATES WITH D) RAWN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... any other infor- Ination he may require, upon applying to me atmy offices in Chapel-street, or, at the Board Roo, of the Workhouse THOMIAS JONES, Clerk to the Board of Guardians. IHolywell, Sept, 1, 18413. IN CHANCER'Y. AN IMPORTANT SALE OF I CAPITAL FREEHOLD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to offer for the situa- I ;, tion upon applying to me at mny office in Chalpel- t 's street, or, at the Board Room of the Workhouse. i THOMAS JONES, A Cleric to the Board of Guardians. . -Holywell, August 23, 1843. PARR'S LIFE PILLS. . P a Ep E balsamic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... for Provisions, t5c. 1 1 LL persons desirous of contracting with the fi A Guardians of this Union, for supplying the 'I Workhouse, from the 26th of December, 1843, to t] the 25th of Maihre, 1844, inclusive, with BREA-D, 1 ELIGUIt, MEAT, GROCERY, CIIEESE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Guardiais at their 3Mecting ?? Xt L the Ist proxilno, will proceed to the appoilIt- mcnt of a C] IPLALIN to the LU'nion W'orkhouse, nc whose duties, ill addition to those defined in the of Rules and Regulatious of the P.oor La ?? Colr- ?? mission ers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fitness for the ofilee, to the Clerk, on or before thte 13th iof May ilstatt, aanld the Election will take plaec at the 'Workhouse, on 'l'lisdav, the 16tic. uether particulars may be obtained on appli- catiot to ine, JO1-lN PR{ICIHARID, Clerk to the Guardians ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Wie Soap in- Candles, -Oatmeal, ,Split PIt`Jiisp, 1.Pot toes. and t fly other Arttles'of coils mr itii: for the t Asapht Workhouse.:.. ?? 'ill And also, to furnish about- 1EL 400 Yards of AberdeentDowvsa 400 Ditto of Chumbrey. _ 200 Ditto of Welsh Flanrrel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOIIN THOMAS, i Clerk to the Guardiais. Julie 19th, 1841L 'T'O BUIL1)ERS ANID CONTitAC.TOIRS. Bangor and Beaumaris Union Workhouse. NOTICE IS 11ERElY GIVEN, _ fjITAT the Board of' Guardians of the Bangor - and Beauniaris Union w ill, on the 3rd day of ...