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Western Mail

Advertisements & Notices

... MON. t 5tee MOUTH. L ST, On Wednesday evening last the workmen engaged in 5c preparing the foundation for the nevw union workhouse, - about to be erected in Monmoseth, came upon the skeleton of a human being, about a foot below the surface. 'Having ON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Work in connection wvith the Repairs of the Cookinut Apparatru at the Workhouse. A enecification of the work to be done mty be seen on applica- tion to the Master, at the Workhouse. Tenders to be sent in to the Clerk on or before Wednesday, the I18th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICES, &c. I,',DIFF UNION WORKHOUSE. 1V C AL IF TO ARCHITECTS. f R ho Gauat. diana of tha Cardiff Union, being desirous of providing sf aceemmoelat on for a larger nnmber of inmatoe than is affordt4 by then nrem Workhouse, hereby offer a PREMIUM of ONE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICES, &. for, m fARDIFF UNION WORKHOUSE. ti ~ '~JTO ARCHITE CTS. The Goerdnans of the Cardiff Union, being desirous of providing hr 'ad aecommodatios for a larger number of iuinatee theoc is afforded Ibyuthe present Workhouse, hereby offer so PREMIUM of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BoaridltooiulAbergavewisy, onthle 11thl day of Octiober next, proceed to the APPOINTMENT of a MEPDICAL OFFICIER for the Workhouse and tho Abargavaueny disitrict, which coum1'riseoo the fofllowing pfibaail lcivc Aluergaveuniy, 11ryrgwyn, Bettws Nowyldi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEDICAL s OFFIC~11E RVL 'andPUBLIC VACCINATOlR for tho town district of i Merthyr Tydfll, find also HOUSE SURGEON for the workhouse E Hle must rasids within tthe Iistriet, isave a knowledge of Welsh, be 50 trlly (11aificod alccording to the orders of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of the~lar- didf Union will, at their meeting, to he held on the 22nd Jaa; 135% 1870, proceed to Eleet a Masteor for the Workhouse. ? Salary, £0f7 18 per annum, with the Usual rations linalin 'hii. beer), fatrnishedi aisa~tmeat5 in' the Worlchouse, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... err or before 1Sot January', 1970. By Order. l SW.P1. STI, PIIINSON, Cek Batted, 20tht January, 1070, 34 - OARtDIFF UNION. WORK.HOUSE MEIDICAL OFFICER WANTED. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Guar- A--1 dians of the CardiLf Union wil, at their Metinag to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 31st January, 1371). B re Dy Orrder, VW. P. STEPHENSON, Clerk. Dated, 20th Jarnnary, 1970. 3518 penr CARDIFF UNION. 4t9, WORKHOUSE MEDICAL OFFICER WANTED. or err TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Grar- - L.1 dian of the Car-dilf Union will, at their Meeting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... proceed to thn election 2,2 I of a schoolmoaster and ocheolmnietreoas for ?? of F the said Union at Ely (separate from the Workhouse). a Snlary for tho selioolmastcr 450, and for schoolmistress 430 per annum, together with such further ?? (if any) as may ...

Advertisements & Notices

... corticieneing thme 25th (lay of ,y Juime, 1870,1and cedingl~ the 30th September, 1870, arc requested to jq soed to thle Workhouse SEALED 'fENDEhRS for thle came, on- dorsed 1Tradda for Provisiono, or, clothing, as time coue may be, tona or before FRIDIAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P'for the SUIP.'X FLY. of the nlndermentisued PROVISIONS, NEGESSARIDS,SACi 3 COALB reqrdred; end to be delivered at the Workhouse, Monnt, I]- Pleasant Swasnea, and,talo ?? Panpors: in thoeI , evesal districts of the Union, for three months, sonmensing ...