Advertisements & Notices

... Dxfrd, neer x4, a86S. r N. B. The Names of the Subfcribers will be pub. Llifled in the next Week's Paper. OXFORD GENERAL WORKHOUSE. l A LL Perfons having any Claims or Demands v ,! A Xon the Guardians of the Poor of the United Parifhes of this City ar ...

Advertisements & Notices

... inlthe. Year a 775, he will be handsomely rewarded for his Trouble. ' ?? o'el . Oxford, xptl, of Jease, igo5.I OXFORD GENERAL WORKHOUSE. LL L-erfons'hating any Claims or Demands A- onzthe Guardians of the Poor of the Utited, ,Parilhes of this City 'ate requefted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bhc Guardians will meet on Wed- ncesdaynthe °6t] day 0ot June, at-Four. soclockcin thca fternout, at the Dulce's Pala.Ce Workhouse, to re- ceiveproposalsfssrservinggthese witlithc fnllowingarti- cles, froim Midsummer 18015 to Midsumm-er 1806, viz. G ...

Advertisements & Notices

... makes Part.of the 3Terms.-Apply at the Office'o'f this Paper,,near the New Market, High Street, Oxford; ' OX-FORD GENERAL WORKHOUSE. OMPLAINTS haring been made to the ' Guardians of the Poor of the United Parilltes of this City that many Perfons' have lately ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'OXFORD GENrERAL WORKHOUSE. TO COAL DEALERS.' pERSONS de'rous of fupplying the Hbufe fi of Indutry awith Fifty Tons of Wedneibury Coal, to be delivered in the Wharf, in the Name of the Guardians, on or before the xxth Day of September next, and paid for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Botoiph1, Aidersagte, will meat onl $Saturday the '27tb lnst. at as o'cloc in the forenoon, at thet Comnaictee'Roont, In tite Workhous~e, Aldarsgate-strass, to se- rowe proposals fo'r piotting up stone columns in shle Parish a Churci',atid for other works, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the'. . :Mail and Long Coacheis: Mohey and Parcels carriedt as formery . - TO T11E . ..§ g LAAGIAS or Tiiz EDINkURGH,(ARITY WORK-HOUSE., mN-B4Adjourned- 6qENEkAL. 3F ETING f the-, t ' Eloh IL. .eurtr otle ELECTIO ND of a TREASU.. 'RER&, istc, hold on Tu.ESDAy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Botolph, Aldersgase, smill meet on Saturday the 27th. Inst. at' It o'clock iii the forenooss, at thle Committee Room, in the Workhouse, Aldersgate-street, to re- cei'e proposals for putting tsp stone colulnn$ in the iclitisl Chuncisaind for other works. P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (pLst paid) O. 1'. Jalis Cofee-osise, Cornhill. sr. SErUICHRE, IONDON. W ANTED, a MASTER, and ;dso a M1.S- TRESS, tor the WORKhOUSE of the said Parish (where the notbnber oE Poor is -under 2co). Stch Persons as may be inclined to offer theanselves as C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... we are going to have a mighty pretty fort of a Lottery, for a great part of the Blanks are to be Prizes. OXFORD GENERAL WORKHOUSE. 3ERSONS willing to ferve the fe'eral Offices .11 of Clergyman, Surgeon, Apothecary, Clerk, VMa.I6er, and. Mifirefs of ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... conveni . T rn HOLD DWELIN 0, with * Iaioi tuate No. 6,; Cross-lane, St. Mary-hill, aisscomnam, vaults ctider S.tDounstan's Workhouse. rTheDnvcli.,;- good dining and drawing roorns, countin' S rooms and chosrts, antd suitablle drmestic c.fl es, lnclc years; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'limes agreed for.-atedl5th I Qf Sept. 80o5. WM. WALFORD, jun. c Clerk to the Truflees of the faid Road. Oxk5ORD GENERAL WORKHOUSE. p ER-ONS willing to ferve the feveral Offices I ZL Of Clergyman, Sargeon, Apothecary, Clerk, Mafter, and Miftrefs of the ...