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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Death of Bar. George William VWood, M2. It is with feelings of deep regret , heightened by the sud- denness of the event, that we have to record the death. of Mr. George Williaim Wood, M.P. tie de~ease, which was quite unexpected, arid almiost instanraneous, took ptace an Tuesday evening in the rooms of the MBanchester Literary and Ftiilooophical Society, of w7hich ho was a Vice-President. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Sir j. SHAV-7, Mart., Late Cha-mberlain of the City of London. The worthy object of this brief memoir died on Sunday night, in the S0th year of his age. He was born at Riccar- ton, in the county of Ayr. His family, though highly re- spectable and lirnourable, were in circurstaiices too contuoed to allow scope for the enterprising spirit of their numerous offspring, anri tames rith his brothers ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Monthly Military Obituary for November. General-Hon. Edward Finch, Col. of 22 P. Meriden, War- wickshire. Lieut. Generals-Sir Arch. Campbell, BE., ?? Col. of 62 F. ; Beevor, It. Art. Major-General-Hopper, F. I. Camp. Serv. Majors-Huntley e Dr., Thoreau, St Helena Reg. Captains-M'Carty, Poym. of 7 H~uasars; Glegg, 12 Lane.: Y oung, 55 F.; May10, 06 F.; G. Jefrey, Is-p. 20 F.; Lugard, h.p, 65 F. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Remarkable Instantces of Sudden Jieatch. AWFUL CASE OF SUDEris DEATH IN SonnEisSE-tiaDs.- On Tuesday afternoon, about two o'clock, some pga sens eon- nected with the Royal Society at Somerset-house. had oee- sion to call at that institution in search of information, and visited the rooai appropriated to the use of the under-sesre- tary, Mr. Robertson, whom they found lying with his head on a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Death from a Pugilistic Conflict. On Friday Mr. Canttar, the corosser for West Kent, anti a re- spectable jury, assembled at che Town-hall, Gravesenol, to in- quire into the circurast:,nces attending the death of a yoang man tianred George Gray, who died in the uniocs workhoeose onl Tuesday last. The Mayor of Gravesend, and severe.1 of the roagistratis were prrseot to hear ?? broestigation, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MYSTERIOUS DDAZFl Onl Tuesday evening all adjourned inquest was held by Mr. Carltar, et the Noah's Ark Deptford, onl the body of Ilartha Lowe, aged 18 years, who was found dead o.: the batik of the Grand Siorrey Canal, Lower-road, rcytford, onl Aledniesday, the 20th ?? evidence given otl the fdrst day was, that the deceased had been a servant to a Mr. Stevens, a merchatnt in Bread-street, City ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Obituary of the Nobility and Aristoeracy, for 1843. :.I: . ! ;II Amongst the other important events connected with the past year may be. enumerated the great number of deaths which have taken place :in that class of society termed the aristocracy of the country: BMany of those who have played prominent parts on this world's stage have departed. Amongst them we find a prince of the blood royal. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Obituary of the Nobility and Aristocracy I for 1843. I I ' Amongst the other important events connected with the past year may be enumerated the great number of deaths which have taken place in that elass of society termed the aristocracy of the country. Many of those who have played prominentparts on this world's stage have departed. Amongst them we find a prince of the blood royal. His Royal ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SUDDEN DEfATl OF A DA1WER57; ilo3wQUoTIoAM, Wr.nNbSDAY, 6 rPr.V-This: afternoon' an inquest-was held in this town, -befar- Dr. Burt Davies, borough coroner, on the, body of Mr; Francis Ruffrd, banker, of-Stourbcidge, who suddenly foll down dead in the office of Mrs. Harrison, keeper of an coiee for the hiring of servants, in Anneiotreet. The deceased was a- county magistrate and highly ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... pEAT11 or szo FrrNCIS UR!DETT.| fins melancholy event took place, on Tuesday morning at-e tie rsidence of Sir Francis, in St. James's-place. The death I t Lany Bardett wasaraiounced in our last, and her remains I wrere reinoved only on Monday moorning for interment in the I ve valrit ill Wiltshire. Soon after her ladyship's death I fai lye evident to all the family that a very serious im-r ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEA&TH OF TH LATNG OF SWEDEN. HAMEvsRGH, MsARCH I16T;.-A bulletin was affixed on Change to-day, announcing the arrival of an express from Stoekholm, with the intelligence that his Majesty Charles John had ceased to exist. He died on the 5th inst., at four o'clock in the morning. His son and heir assumed forth- with the royal authority, under the style of Oscar the Second; and announced his ...