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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. LIFE OF HAYDON THE PAINTER. On Friday, the 24th instant, will be published, in 3 vols. post 8vo., price 31S. 6d, HE AUTOBIOGRAPHY of B. R. HAYDON, 1 Historical Painter. Edited, and continued to the time of his death, from his own Journals, by TOM TAYLOR, bM.A., of the Inner Temple, Esq..; latc Fellowof Trinity College, Cambridge; and lato Professor, of the English Lanlluagc and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -VCONOMY and COMFORT in the JOURNEY .JLJ to PARIS.-Just publishsd, the New Edition of thes HAND 1500K to PARIS. price I8. (post-free to all parts, 2s. 44.,)Or So. 6d.Fp bound with thle ComPan~ion, post-free, Is. extra. To be had of W. Strange, 21, Paternoster-row. and alt bookoellero in town and conwtry. All the London papers leave spoken of the Hasnd Book as ,the ouly orrginal work of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0TICE to sHlIPPERS and PASSENGERS. k LcU Idprt~, tie ER ONLoi tons ; will re- a, not niter thot daly. Ilias twvo extpflitnt gd ll!to COlltrin i)vntry ; or to F. Greten and) ''rr T A ~direct, to sail 25th Augui.1 f~llii~ll:.silir 0ibli WNVI)30R,890 toss. E. P~. Nis- ?? I nlia Docks. This ship' has very Jase.,ng~rs, nd willcarr ell caO. f~ i jt elrhld~gO lo4sr~:t Captain (ALC (TTA direct, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. Neow ready. , pice, Id., or ii.. p-r htundredl, fordlsloributiors. T R~light Hon. HENRY LABOLJCHERE'S, T ,E,(reeiir'rit of the Board of Tdrade) SPEl`C`H in the HeiollSE ofc(3MONS ont Monday, MAIY IO, on the SUGtAR DUTIES, &c. i.rnies Rtidgway, Piccadilly. ,IlNo Lea on ciJtN Itr 1 ssoLL'o, spnti-t at ilirea earu price. I'llde say, tensst avis 8yo., r I' IE E L E C TMO6N'. A PoEm T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... riE Sof' BIIOOKS'S CIRCULATING LI LTEA RI, Stu, ltegent-.l reet. l'ortlgaldtoioce', t be corner Midrt urs'r~etelt Fi rot Chuiss ?? if pry lnnnsm. 8ccond Class ?? ?? 2 '2 if - Or by the mionthi, 10.o. Od. aind Ito. TheBLiburary conotains an ext-tsiv'e anld valuable selection in evern cdpatortulet. 6g Scenceo and JLiterature, and io ?? supplied ?? tell tin,- new works, which are also lent to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1~OTICE to SHIPPEMiS tii NEW Y'ORK.- -Tfhe Niino-of-vacket chip IlIONTREALI, Captaini S.Dt. On t' vI NG ~ilt ItECHIVE COODS all Saturdiiy. ilie 90it ilot., and Fail ou Mendemr, 2d War ?? ?? Tplyady, zi, C1,orqo-yard,, oInuj- toard-steetl. NOCEto PASSENGFIIS-For Syli5Nj9' ?? DRFoT to ELi Cininmiiatery lynd ins tiel rt. ~af, tlrnrine intaouefutalcooa ad ilpingha ra onry tacionaralOO Wi nown eiht ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * OTICE to SHIPPERS and PASSENGERS j for MsADRAS.-The CARNATIC wnill receive MEASURE- MENT GOODS iii tile East India Docks until TO-MORROW, the 5tth instant. Hits some excellent cabins still disengaged.-F. Green and Co., 04, Cornbilll. TASSAGE FARES REDUCED to and from LNDION and LEITH.-First Cabin, XS; second cabin, £l15s~.; velticth includies provisions. FOR LEITH.-Thie London, Leith, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ICOTLAND DELINEATED, by the Rev. J. S- I. LAWSON, with Iliustrations mrade purposely, for tim work, 1w ritanfleld, Roberto, M'CoLlecb, Cirewick, Cattsestnee, Hording,, Leitois, Nosh, drawn its lithography by J. D. Harding, &c. 'hiTs daO~ is published, P'art Vt., containing Etlinburghs from Cra igsinilar Queen Mary'o Ited-chinnsber, Kilchurn Castlo Holyroodl Caotle Campbell New Asseuobly-lholl, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To'rie Is. erC, Iv po-t, ill Itam m, l 6I. -1 r D R. CULYFERIVELL. Oil ?? ?? To I.,e or mot t0, be th 1t id lslte titi: Ag, the ettitte Altti, h,- CIIASTIrY-, adt IN ll;ING -li;. Like r'attk corinttjlt, miiltiit . :il ss-i0We, Intects ulil'e'. To be atll of Shueln od 2t, latern-ter r,-te )li - 1 s : Carvalho, 147, FIlac-Stetit ail 1 lld all S H the Author, who nay be perssialhl alvi1,i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B IV PER CENT. BRAZILIAN LOAN of 1939, 3 for3 £12,500 St0rling.-The JlALF-YEARLY DIVIDEND, duest October next, onthe above. LOAN negotiated by Messrs. Samel nd hilips vi be P~kll) by Sir ISAAC L. GOLDSMID, WILLIAM1 KING, andl WILLIAM 1,1jMPSON, Agents, at tile Smi))e ll l 'll s rTil~'vhe~..~ i - ?? i;n~cliester-street, (tsulitinheiuse iii T. and W. King, 37, GotWnietrte Old Broad-street, ois ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~-i'1E 1,A)UCTION of FARES ifii LONDONLEITHEriNtiUlltUI, anti ~ ~ 55riilaS i~ia.N li Ouitit. ?? It tie 'It-wCr, as il V I I, ~ Ill ~, Watt aitilt, -Jall. 10, at Tllt tt'rlaek ovening. Ai ?? 5, atartly n a.ii'i'lccak elii7 tJlt-Aan-. 'elWlkeei a' p. 't natelitititi IlIt ?? ,t'2 0 0Ex ~iclusive of It0 t'r-,-ai'it-t 1 2 Cab-in..I 2i ofProvisioni-. M t ve ta i antid aider twlvt yvaaeo, Ii Of Faire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COAL 1RK T 1 Lid,1ie's Wes tarfley 14s30d Carre latcyi Man Hdlastitigs hairtley 1 ~ld~l ~ - Ta,;illil 145, Ords Rediloe Ii 14 ?? tsp 145, Wylain 14s, WotI ais ~ ' 11,ltrt icy is, I lostd, ItalhthspY i,£'lol 1W alsend :Clark- la', Irlol n dtV 13s, HlaswetI l9's 9lId Ste;rtis 15s 6d, Wenit Corifor'tliha h ii)sold ; 35 Unsold LIVERPOOL OTNMRE The market ?? ee 4,003 Itales, whichtlod ,o Allei 0l,1 ...