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Advertisements & Notices

... kXJANTIED dirily, A good Cook, Apply to Vvthe pristerin th&Buttte market. &XAXMUNDHA.'SASSEMBLYi,.wlwich was adverb U tife~ for the SiniO. isput off on account-of the ieventyk._of the weather., Yan i be eLEri m amigtey, V A~~~~ ~~ ,CQAI>t4z~ni~ciife, HOUJie. E~quire: :. . h ,'niler. in.I1i0 Butttr4Oatket. 1t; , :- R; :';f I 'BURY, J~an,. lr'lSOO' THE' Thsrd Subreription BALL,:;wiI -beat tb ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENGLI1'9H' WINES, N~earby eyual to Foreign. A Saving to Families of more than so per cent. J. JONES and COMPANY l EG Leave to inform their numerous Whole- 1J; file Customers, and private Families in general, their much-admired WIN ES are now in high Peifcaion; the very great Encouragement and Patronage they have -received from Part of the ROYAL FAMILY, added to Perfonages of the firit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... xy:4' C4ALR!t jCLtJB., ilemnena. cia?$n tdlesb ;ve ,Clubar 'J refpe~fullY tInforinad, that ttze. next ('inlner will beet' 'fhnrfdlay, te9th day ofJ 9 ro. nt. atthe tleuk'e bad, Thwaite, Mr..! 's.PRESS, Prefident. gc * Dinner at Two 'clock. -G us rO .OUSE- MYOODBRIDGE, .an. -d. t0oo. ?4 Wedneiday next, the Sill int at at Eleven o'Clock In the Forenoov will be fold by Atiaion, ,,Calllons GENEVA. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AXMUN13HAM A5SgMBLY will be on. Wed- *) bicday, ary8, i o&. Admittance4s. ejcli. Te and cAftee jcuded. IRST- S-tBSCRIPTION AS5EMRLY for ihe year iBo, vill- he at the Aieminbly-room, op .wurIday1 *3ni' . Admittance to Nohibfcribeas, Rt livinzg inflFitwich. orwvit hi 6, miles thercof', 4S.5 RO6RFT TROTMAN, Elq. St)lards. REV.' I. EDGAR,Sewr. To be SO1,D EY IRsVATE CON THACT, NE undivided MoietY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLASSICAL, EDUCATtION. m,7gjalivcalllge Grammar School, xfiord . utT R sTHE CARY. OF The Rev. E. ELLERTON, M. A. and the Rev. J. ALLEN, M.A. ALLEN begs Leave to inform his Friends J and the Public, that, being fettled in a commodious a oppoeire Merton College Gardens, he intends to tke a limited Number of Boarders, not exceeding Six. H4c hopes, by diligent Attention to their Health Morda, od ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I RISE OF LOTTERY TICKETS. HE very EXTRAORDINARY AND UN- T PARAL LELrKD BsNxrsPIs that are to be gained in the prefent ENG Les LOTTERn, have catfed fogreatand unufual a 1emand for the TlctETS and SHaxRs, that thofe who have not already purchafed, wili make a con- fiderable Saving by laying out their Money imnmediately; a Circumrtance which Mr. NICHOLSONj No. -6, Cornhill, London, opoolite the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Buc~ingaa,/27 imre Quarter Sctiors. N OTIC E is hereby given, That the next N Gencral Quarter Seflions of the Peace for this County will commenec'at Ayl'elbury on Thurfday the 6tih Day of January, at Eleven ?? in the Fore- noon precitely that immediately after the Court will prpceed to the Trial of fuch Appeals as were entered at the laft, and which were refpited until the nest Seffions. It is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sold by WOOLFREY MIDDLEDWTCEI, PATEsNT MEDICiNliOFVICE,* BR0ooK. eiprr , htrsWE cg. From the.::4 Rc BTr RoXO.D it. A L E the LORD CHIEF: BARON. - u ;;rMr. 'VF~lING, A ro T ilEDA R~ Y,'Chi~ide, iLonlon, Sir, i 'do you the juatice ol act iaiti g you Il;0t my fonlas derivet*very materal .enefit from yo. .WORMd. MEDICINL,; bavine been attaciccd by *otml. ab~ve a year in the moRc formiodable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? PORTSMOUTH. -AIDDRES& - z 1: . ; . ~ . , ,; - -I - . The unparalleled patronage we have tecelved ma . the lhort period of our exertions for the attainment of public encotsragem'ent, claims our.particular ac- knowldgements at the conmnencement of the WNev. Year. In performing this duty; weareiihappy' to pay tbat tribute of gratitude'which'is fo eminently due to our friends, while We ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'CB.OWN~~i ~~~s lllrh la:i a rpjE ETW B~IIhe.ela :Admifflo'n ?t& N ?? br hl s. Tea irncluded.: - r.e .. ?? . , A _4 A 7ERMObJ,~ FOR EO E POOR, .L waltl be prea'chcd in:POR;,TSMO6U~sTH CHRCH,. an SVNDAY), thc sath of JAltUAY, 1ier- SUBCRIPT.FR1 P. ^ 'AT an- adjourned: MEETING o£ te IN- J71- HABITAN[TS at the GUItDHALL, ots 'fUESDAY; thet3ifot' Deember, i799,- it was; that the Bo6os ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Od iM * ;aai0';' B~tfage3AYLO .LOndonj i4:: .TT is ~with. 't-he moft- artfeki- fatrsfa il. tbaI iddre s You on the imnam'r le e- } ' ofy6*cinivalb~ ?? ES TE PtILLS.-ln:the ?? had ?? F fco,;une to contrad a wn'etet to'tinplaxnti attoadet -aL a eendnta l rotn i iii *ft bight rjd Itfeml tst eai±igpain .an~fdj torn~wt,_,and what Was ?? 0 f earce-diftm b &je&j; igevet f clofe to znle;r re43 ed oj ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VtSSELS LAID ON, FoO LEGHORIV, ADMIRAL 1NELSOM'- THOMAs ESSART, Commander, .BBrthen Ioo Tons, her fecond vryage, flands in the, ift Clafs at Lluyd's, and will depart with the nett Convoy for the Mediterranean, a con- fiderable part of the Cargo being engaged. Apply to' KNOX & HA?. HULL, Jan.3, I800. I GREENLAND STORES, Whale 0i1, 5:. PETERSBURG AAND STOCKHOLM DEALS. TO BE SOLD, Two Hundred ...