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Kingston-Upon-Hull N

... ovember 9, 1799 Annuities The Corporation of Mayor and Burgesses of Kingston- upon-Hull, being about to make considerable improvements in the Town, have determined to raise money for the purpose, by granting life annuities, without any restriction as to the age of the Annuitants; Notice is hereby given, That any person or persons willing to purchase an Annuity or Annuities, for his, her, or ...

1 _-_■___—■ 1 - -- VLRSLS

... 1 _-_■___—■ 1 - -- VLRSLS Written partly in im.tation of the French Anacreontic, by the Regent Duke of Orleans, bcginni-g •• j t full nepme lis fia jits.'' t> V Nature form'd for ev'rv joy, *•*■*■' Pleafure only is my aim ; No other fche _c my thoughts employ, 1 fcorn the f.-ols of we.lih and t-nie j Where'er I go, 1 play niy part. And bring a focial. jovial hea it Since fleep'* a tribute we ...

Friday's Mail

... LONDON, (Thurfday,) Jan. 2. THE Vienna of the ijth-ult. an. ?? thit the KuTwn army HK- . anew in L'*iiu_ni-, will traverfe G-l lie ia in cijiht co units, ati- that thele trips wii! repair ?? to Autiria, Moravia, and Bohemia, where tiny will take ?? winter quarto f, ana ; .inthe army ot Geo. Saw irrmv. j According to the lame arcour.i., tfte firit co- i Jumn ot tt-cfe _*_nfor - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mrs. JONES, Stationer, &c. Oxford H,'IS aECEIVED A SUPPLY OF DVR ?? W''C anrd N'fORREiLT' ., c£ sssiido,1s ot. catty impruve bj a Cj. ?? Procefs * thofe who have been in the Habhts of ufing the common Pencils Will readily diicover their Superiority,_ Made and fold Wholefale, ('with great Allowance to Shop- keepers and: Mexchants for Exportation) by Deacon and Morrell, at thtir Pencil, Wlix, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M SIS, KIRBY begs Ltcave to ijform h-r V:ricvads M and the public, That hcr fchool uo iie - upon the 20th of aial. when fhe propofes to accomilnolate Three additional Boarders. None admitted under Si\ years ol age. & Terms may be had at the plinter's. BURE:S ASSOCIATION For pnfrec uti ig Fs~ ONs, &c. E .annil Mecting of this Affociation wvill be a h ' onl efiasy. mythl an -tSco, am thc t! ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,solldrv h VV-OOLFREY D-AIDDLEl1TCN1, -PA'tN'T MzEtbiCINr (iFFICL, BROOF-STRF.,SiT, 11`Wilji. From . W. W ' MASTON, Efq. Hedl:e,' flail, 1V>rt1 .rtsbeaasi.{u Tre a. tCH]IG, APtrTnZC4ASYZ Chcipide, Lon , $ir, I am hbspy to inform y'ou tbat m11y dtughter, aged 8 years, has sierived the mouf furpriting benefit fromi your WORi NLOZFVGES. Sgehadlongbeen lvea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABINGDON. a THE next ASSEMBLY will be on MOND AY a s the s3th Inftant, inftead of TUESDAY the 14th, as was firil intended. t CLASSICAL EDUCATION. Magdalen College Grammar School, Oxford, UNDER THE CAIRE OF The Rev. E. ELLERTON, M.A. and the Rev. t J. ALLEN, M.A. J ALLEN begs Leave toieorm his Friends J and the Public, that, bcij~g fettled in a comrodious HaosLe oppofire Me-rset Colege Gardens, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rAhNrS a S;i~atioiU Ig t~tS2KE~tPER \/V tna Gentllan's Family, a Perfon capable of Peei r'4 m I'lkiing, and Confetionary. Would not have pref rv * d to the Cooking, with the Affill- anY of 'sn Under.Se, vant, as it is what ihe very well under- r Can hav every Recommendation fiom Perfois- fthe t Refptat~blity. - A Letter dircted to A. B. tf M- Eilling's. Grocer, near Chrift Church, Oxford, nsll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IPSWICH STB>SCRIP FION FGoI RF LIERVI NG Thc POOR with SOUP and BREAD. Amount of Subfcrctirons at the Meeting ij *o 6 6 Sulbfcriptions received laft week. t Thomfon,M.D. t e o'Chrif. Ranfona o S0 |. Wm Flindeliz a ozReeveBunts I I 0 lvlrs.,Nooth o lo'61John Setton 0 5 0 1.HaywardandSonS o o0yam Wolton o 5 o Samuel Penning I I IIjam0sPierce a o Mifs Coftertons I t ol iarts Peckover . o0 C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For Clsilblains, Rheurmatifns, Br7e-s, &c. DR. STEERS's OPODELDOC. rf' HIS Medicine bas been long acknokledged . to be fupericr to every Preparation of the Kind in the Cure of Bruifes, Sprains, Rheumatifrms, Cramps, Numbnefs and Stiffnefs of the Joints, Burns, Scalds, and other external Complaints, as well as in refroring a proper Circulation to the Limbs when in a paralytic State. It is alfo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,! ?? - r-:~ -z-z ?? A-- ;5.-E L LISD g& - t . - e. ' 4 To Ms..Tse issT^.LQt, .xe No. g, Iw ., ?? . *&~ldge-lrtet, ,.oEIona,dt : . vX4 six, A ?? with, tate^inf -heartIt' fatii~f I that! adr~ o ?? .f your invaluable Medicin4 -LEAKE 'a k PILLg n -tli'':jfiriiig vrf ths-yeh Ili ?? mii j ;fitune to contra&2a7n'nereal Com plai ti(IciI with the moft 'alarmipg a_,dcgqrpg s . fynpeqss7. . oxiqmuca7. ...