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... ?? OF SESSION. SCOTS MILITtA. A. care of very general importance to thtore intrulted with the execution of the a6ls of Par- Jiarnrent, for raifing and enibodying. a mihitia force in .cotlan4, was On riday ]aft decided in tie Court of S&1-;on;.-Fiftcen perfons who had been ballottel so ?? as rilitiamen fir the coun- ty of Wigtn, being called ;upon to attend and iro- themfelves, applied to trhe ...


... LONDON-MARCH 2. A Court of India Proprietors is to be held on the 17th March, to confider a Refolution of the Court of Diretqors of the I ith ind. to allow the Right Hon. Henry Dundas, his heirs and af- figns, a penfion of 20001. a year, during the pe- riod of the prefent Company's charter. Mails trom New York and Halifax arrived on Saturday night. The King George Packet, from Liibon, which ...


... C'PJ1? ?? BENCH. CHAtTERTON W. GLOV1EW. Thiswas an'actioa'on a bottomry bond on the Ihip Fortunate-Return, freighted with tim- ber from Memel ?? and back. Owher return fhe met with tempe'tuous weather, and 'was obklgedto put into Rye in Suffex, where fhe underwent'a tho'rougF repair. The Captain haoing'g-ppie'd, to the plaintiff for That purpof, the expence' ?? 'ftiniated- at fr6n) X5co to ...


... WINCHESTER ASSIZES-Marcliz TR7AT. PlnD A ?? TRIAL FOR A USLL. . BEFOpE JTDrys THUOMiPSON AND L BLANC. T.Sr A rL ETSSof the soth regiment of foot,was tried for the wilful murder of J. GRNVGE a duel,at Portf- mouttli in November laft, who was going out as a La- det in the fhlin with the ?? appeared in evi- dence, that about the z7th of 061ober laft the prifoner anid the deceafed had a ...


... Thurfday came on the trial of RACHEL PER- aUssoN, for flealing feveral pieces of white thread lacei different pieces of cut edgings, and two pieces of black lace, to the value of upwards of 501. from a haberdafher's fhop on the North Bridge; and for being habit and repute a thief. The prifoner pleaded NOT GUILTY. T Counfel for the Crown reffriited the libel t. a arbitrary puaifhment. It ...


... ADNIR~f;rAY COUar-.Marcl 7. NT;UT RA§. SUIlPPIN20, The foliowing inlterciling cafe occurred in the Heigh Couwrc of Admiralty of Englandl before Sir W~il. Faia Scott Tlhe Jonge WrOW Wrilhelmina, a neutral vye l, engaged in a courfe of trade on the coalt of Hlolland confitnari to the laws of nations, was ftopped and boarded by the Ajax, a Guerafey pri.. veteer. The Captain of the ...


... LOURT OF SESSION. The Court of Seflion lately decided a 4ueftion between the feamen 6f Preffornpans'and Mefl GEORGE and JAMEs WARkOCH of that place, refpeating a charitable fund belonging to the fea. men. As Cimilar cafes may probably have Cc- cured iii other fea-port towns, of which the trade has decayed, the ftatement of the decifson may be of general importance. Preltonparis, which is a bu. ...


... HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY-. Tuesday the Court resumed the consideratidn of Pis- I id Runs'er's case; and having again examined Dr A- LEXANDR 5 MONRO, sen. and Mr G aORGE BELL, sur- geon, pronounced an interlocutor, finding pannel i.- capable, from the state of his mind, to stand trial, de; serted the diet against him pro ?? et tempore, and re- committed him to the tolbooth of this city, to be ...


... FORGER2Y ON THE BANK OF -ENGLAND. Thurfday came on before this Court, the trial a of JotN M'NEiL and MICHAEL O'NEIL, ac- cufed at the inflance of his Majefty's Advocate, f t of fraudulently and felonioufly uting, uttering, h or vending counterfeited notes, in imitation of I thofe iffiued by the Governor and Company of ...


... CIRCUIT IN FELLIGENCE, ~ L N I Ll-JIvt~ r-, STIRLING.April 4. The Circuit Court of Jufliciary was opened here this day, by the Right Hon. Lord ARXA-S DALE. William M'NIcl was brought to the bar, ac- cufed of cutting down and (fealing young oak trees from the Duke of Montrofe's woods. Up- on the motion of the Advocate-Depute, Lord Armadale deferted the diet againfl the pannel pro loco et ...


... ,UU11 Cy 1vL`,arey Jviuraer. CRIMINAL TRIAL the 27th ultr. were tried hefAr- 0. zh, On the 27th ult. were tried before the Sheriff of Argyllihire and a fpecial Jury, John Clark, tenant in IKeils, in the pariflh of Killearnadale. and Ifland of Ju- ra, and Ifobel M'Dougall, his fpmilfe, accufed at the inflance of the Procurator Fifcal, of the crime of Iheep Itezaling, and of being habit and ...


... DUMFRIES-APRIL II. The Circuit Court of Jufficiary was opened here upon Wednefday the 8th curt. by the Riight Hor. Lord CUrLEN, and proceeded to tie trial of THOMAS PARSELL and JAMES CATERI, fol diers formerly:belonging to the 2Ift regiment of dragoons, accufed of flealing-a number of a ticles of cotton cloth from a caravan or cart;,the pro- perty of a travelling chapman of this place.- Owing ...