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... . 1 p . fora Car urnfance occurred in S alls Onk OD Tue2a-v, which a traded the notice of nrea- con4.rfe of pcopL in the coarfe of the feven o'clock in the mnorning, one of pirrsn the E'ark, Oppoite the gates of the , ad, vas difcovered almoft covered with d, ich gae rife to the fuppofition that rfon had been inhomanly murdered dc- tg ?? preceding nlight. Tlis put the whole l~ourhood in motion ...


... CIRCUIT INTELLIGIC'NCE. IPRTH-OCT. 23. Thle Circuit Court of Juf[cilary was opened here on Wedn-efday the 2a If curt. by the Hon. the Lords DIUNSINNAN and CULLEN. .7rOn Ma//och was indicled for robbery, theft, and. houfebreaking, by entering a houfe in the parifh of :Ieiglfe, difguifed in woman's cloths, on a SLunday forenoon, during divine fcrvice, wiere having kknocked down the miftrefs of ...


... EMBARIASSM.IB1T. IFriday a paltry Cook at the enc ndtown exhibited a complaint of a Eingular ra rt before a Juftice of the Peace agairlf a *.:cl fed fe1male, whom he had taken inlo cuftf . rs, He told the Maoirate that !he lady hlial c on 0~a morning come into his thcp, feated f eaien of his paftry to the amount af one and tttopence. On rifing to go flae apleae i be exceedingly confufed, and ...


... ' BOI-STPEET-,ocr. 20. Yeflerday Richard Stark, porter to a cheese. monger in the Strand, was examined before R. Ford, Efq. on fufpicion of htaving been guilty of the willI! murder of Mary, his wife, on S; - turday night laft, at their apartments in St Cle- ment's Lane. Mr CroawtIer, of Bofwell Court, Carey Street, and Mr Andree, of Hatton Garden, furgeons, ftated, that th'ey yefterday morning ...


... CPALLENGE. rei The following Letter from the Judge Advo le cate General to the Commander in Chief has, y m the diredlion of his Royal- Highnefs, been.cir- culated throughout tie army:- S t lr G } a.aktl. r,7tcCtI;'t31 0,11C4.. H1Iaving had the honoour of falomittiog todhis Ma- cc i liy tie proccedings of a General Cottrt Miartal, late- t lv he'l at the Royal Hofpital at' CiLelfca, upon the i ...


... MURDER AT CHELSEA HOSPITAL. t aer.zv was tried for the murder of Wil- r hall Lamb on the fecond of October laft, by fhoutini, him through the body at Chelfea Hof- Jrohn Forfter, firf! wvitnefs, fworeI-T am a pcnlinoner in the Hofpital at Chelfea. I know the prifoner at the bar, and 1 knew the *decea- fed alfo. On the morning of the 2d of Oflo- ber, J went into the apartment of the ...


... E1O.M Ti= LONrDON GZZETTr. A T the Court of St James's, the ixth of .A November -So5. P R E S R N T, The King's Moft ETxcelient Majefly in touflcu. This day the Right Honourable Charles Brange, Treafurer of his Maje~ly's navy, was, b0v his M caieflfy's command, fworn of his Iaje- fiv's Miolt Honourable Privy Council, and took hies piace at the board accordigalv. His Majeily in Council, was ...


... COURT OF KING's BKNCE-I-Nov. 2. HAYCROPT V. CatASY. This is a cafe which has very defervedly at- tra&ed the notice of the'Public. ant is extreme- ly interefhing to every man in this country, who either fhall have occafion to alk of another, or to give another a character. Lord KENYON reported the trial as it took place before him and a Jury of merchants at (uildhall at the !ittings after the ...


... COURT OF KING's BKNCH -Noes. s3. 1 ?? .. THE RING -J. D'.ALANUIERT In this cafe Mr DAOUNCRY moved for the judgment of the Court, and the defendant. being called in, Mdr Juftice LE BLA c proceeded to read the report of the Learned Judge who tried himi. His Lordihip wa, re- peatedly interrupted by burfts of laughter from the bar, and the Bench found no fmall difficulty in. pre- ferviug its ...


... COURT OF KING's BENCH-Nov. 30, DAWSON ?? G6L3ERT. This was an a&ion to recover the amount of a hill for millinery articles furnjihed by the plaintiff to the defendant's wife. Mr M?: GAY fiste', that the defendant was aft o- pulent clergyman, and that his ivife, from ler rank and atation in li'fe, was entitled to wear the articles which his client had furnilted her with, and cosRfe- casently ...


... PJROM THE LOxDm)-r GiZETTE. At the Court at St Tames's, the zd of De- u cember I COt., P R. E R N TI, Tbe KtsG'Ss Moft Eycel!erat Majefty in Council. His Maefly having been pleafed to appoint John Halket, Efq. Captain Genera!' and Go- vernor in Chief of tbe 13ahama Ifilands, lie this day took tie :istIt appoinzed to be taken by .he Governors of his .1,ajeliy's Plantations. ?? - !T jAA'.EPSs ...


... CGURIT OF COMMON-PLEAS-Dec -3. PAY LER r SiR T. WV. DUNLOP BAR-T. M 3Ir Serieant BF.ST iated, that this was mtr ia0n to recover back fior the defendant; t , ir 'rohmas Wgailace, Dunlop, Bart. the fuin of 40c01. under the fullawving circurimlahces. s Sir Thomas W allace Dunlop had received a letter of feri.ce mron. Mr Windharn, late Secre- tary at War, autitorifing him to raife a regiment. of ...