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... KIINTG's BENCH, GUILDHALL-DM 5. aErORE LOrD ESNYON AND A SPECIAL TUkY. SIR J.AM-1S WALLACE V. SIR EXCXIARD al:. c. Mr EasyZ-s fiated, this was anaion brought by Sir Jamas lWallace, Rear-Admiral of the Red, againft Sir Richard King, to fettle the fhare of prize-.mjmey to which the former was entitled, in confeqaunce of the hollilities between this country and Hollard, at a period when Sir ...


... 61,T) &MItt-bec. ?? F ORG E RY. SARI4 SOLOMONE, an elderly woman of a I decent.appearance, wvaa indicted for uttering, i Lkiowing it to be foajrge, a note foT zol. pur- potting to be a ujildford bank note, drawn by Mefrs. .Sparks and Co. upon Sir James Efdaile, Hammer, and Co. London. Ota the 29th of 061tober, the prifoner went to Hazard's Lottery Office,, in Cornhill, to buy an eightb of a ...


... ijioF COMRT OP JUSTWCIARV. L_ - .r 0-- ora -n +1,P Ar jjtira _ ,- _ _ - _ tonday, the Court proceeded to the trial of t ,l SiERRIFF, journeyman blackfmith in ir epiafance. accuied of mobbing and rioting t, th the zh f O~ober laft, in the Cowgate of P .;scitJand of feizing a cart of meal, and dif- ,bring the fame among the -mob. li After the libe i was read, the pannel pled Guil- ti and ...


... CTOURT OF KENG's BENCHI-Dec. c. : atrActH OF PROsMISE GF N'IARRIAOt. th Aodzz~rerw tv. if Zoirr~/i~re.ha U This was an adion for a breach of pronilfc of yt v-arriage made by the defendant to the plain- m tiff fe Mr ERstiNaE opened the cafe on thc part oF the fh rlahitif'Y He'obferved (amongother things) that if hb there wcre any cafes that more than cthers deferved fR the attention cf JLfies, ...


... 3.AW INiELLIGJNCE, *R'.qlr o4,r- ?? EZXCA7-CfDec. rr. Slttin-s at Guildhall before Sir am. Le 'Blanc. ?? V. -DAY. This ?? was bro-ght, to recover damages. for an affault. The plaincifr is gardener to a quaker of large fortune who refides at R\ralsvorth, ef the name of 5nlit3, sand the defendant one of the W\alworth Voliuiteers. Tlie aray happa- ed on the evenirig of the soth of Otober.-t The ...


... S U I C ID E. About one o'clock on Sunday m6rnlng, a young gentleman, named Maurice Williams, went to the Hunamunis, Covent Garden, and asked for a bed. He flept till eleven o'clock that day, when the waiter kncocked at his apartments, and offered him ?? re- frefiment he might thini proper for breakfaft, wiseis the ilranger refufed. Finding that there was .no ap- pearance of ridng,the waiter ...


... Afewdaysago an examination took place at one of the police offices of a perfon accufed of fwind- ling two young women out of four or five gui- neas each. Under pretence of marrying them, he took them at dirfferent times in hackney coach- es, to Furnival's Inn, where, pretending he was going to his attorney for the marriage fettlement, he borroweei the above furns to pay the expence; but never ...


... IARY. MO N D A Y. The Court proceeded to the trial of JAMES BEGG, journeyman painter in this city, accufed of breaking into the warehoufe of Mr William Laing, bookfeller, South Bridge, and ftealing a great quantity of books and other articles, on the 31ft of October and 1ft of November laft, and also of breaking into a warehoufe belonging to his Majefty's printers for Scotland, in ...


... , CAPE FRANcois-ocr, 25. Amidft a fcene of murder and robbery, you will not expe6t I can be very particular in my remarks. Without- any preface I qiuall inform you, that yef-erday morning the prefent com- mander (a black man) received official advice that an army of revolted negroes had encamped a few leagues without the gates, their intention being to march to the city and fire it in feveral ...


... HIGHI COURT OF jUSTICTARY, 'TRL.IL OF ANDR.E IVL4 wn - Th is day the High Court of Jtlliiciarq pr ceeded in the trial of Astaaarv LAxvnts, ca one or the letter carriers in the Geneiaj pO; eOffice, Ediuburg'k, accufed, at the inilom n his Majefly's Advocgoe, of having, oh thc ?? a day of O6tober laft, fecreted a money Jeutr, tr ctrulted to him to be delivered, as ad re. , e E. atid M. A. LOwLES ...


... Monday the Court proceeded in the trial of gamnes Begg, accused of ?? libel was rcstriaed to an arbitrary punishment. The prisoner pled guilty. The Court sentenced him to banishment from Scotland for life. The Court next proceeded to the trial of George Pyper, late servant to Robert Moir, inn- keeper in Musselburgh, accused of murder, or culpable homicide, by striking David White, late chaise ...


... COURT M AITIAL. At a Court-Martial, difefibled ard held on, board his Majefy's liip the Iris, in Sheernefs Harbour, on Tuefday the z9th of December, :180, and Wednefday the 3ctli of the fame month, by adjournment. . ?? E. 5! D 5 N T, BARTuOrLOMEW S.iMUEL ROWLEV, Esq. Rcir-Admiral ofr the lWhite, and senior officer in the command of his Majetty's ships and vessels in the River Medwav, and at ...