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... . I C.OUJX-,QF lUSTfClARY. h onday camne 6,'nbefore the Igouit the ?? of -goggeg-li dsayi, shoe'r'n'aker i Pdnton-street, ac- e cused of the murder of John Allan, soldter in the sjd, or Colonel PFillarton's r uieht 6f light is dragoons, on the evening of the z7th f J, nuaty t n last, by gi-ihgi him ttfo stabs with a knifb; thle t one betwixt the sixth and seventh ri&, and the . 7 other in the ...


... ?? i O CHANCERY. i , * , .T . f . - _ _ - . . . - - - On 3 ihurfdliy te LORD CHANCELLOR gave 7ndgernent in the cafe of the UniverfitA of Cam- byidge qd tbe Lcndon boo kfellcrs, refipecting .n ?? ioift re ih niig the fale of certain bibles and cormrron-pra yer boo3s7printed by the King's Printer in Scotland. His Lordfiip faid he ihad hr nothing to od with th-e monopoly, his decifion viould rot ...


... ILA'W §TTELLlGENCE. vo > . ,,l V. Dig. This iva an aalion ?? the jistance ?? Jamc RIacleod at Bdtimore, near lInverngsr, na'-lst lugh Robeit Duff, £sq.-sf, and the circumstances of tlhe ca'~seas shortly these:- In the year ;, g9, Dr Macleod brought an ?? of ?? and damages, at his'instanc_, be- ftore the Co,'i t of ession, against Mr Daiff, SCt- jting f.orth, that he lnid b en ...


... COURT1' OF CH.AQNCERY. Tlhe LoRn CJuea; soR lately proncureed jedgement in the cafe ?? the Iniverfity of Cam,- bridoe and the London bockfellers, rejpeteing anrs irjunhion refiraining the fale of certain bibles and conmmcn-prc-yer books, printed by the King's Printer in Scotian(d. His Lordfhilp faid Ihe had nothing to do with the monopoly, his decifion voul d t go to efla oli1 tdnc accuracy of ...


... KENT ASSI ZES. BEFORE SIR BEAUMONT 1IOTHAMT. TURNER ?? UMFERRLIL. The Counfel who opened this caufe, flated thlat it was an aclion brought by the plaintiff, a young and refpectab!c attorney, againft the de- fznrdant, a flout athletic farmer, to recover da- 3Dages for a moft violent affault, committed in violation of the rights of hofpitality, ard with- out the fightelt caufe or provocation. ...

Edinburgh, April 3

... .ainbllrgi, alrl 3. CIRCUIT INTELLIGENCE. _Stiriq:g, nlnr-b 27. ?? The Circuit Court of Justiciary was dpened here on Friday last, by the Right Hon. Lord Cullen. Johln Robb,.labourer in Brighton, in the parish of T'olmont, accascd of stealing cattle. The-Ad- vocate Deprntc, having restritced the libel against him, he wvas faurd guilty by his own confession, and sentenced to transportation ...


... MAIT. !TOL'BtRy. In the late fingular cafe of John Nutcher, tried T and conviaed at the laft affizes at Lancafler, for the robbery of the Wigan mail, the circumftances - of a facl which occurred feveral years ago are fo extraordinary as to be worthy of particular de- f ?? prifoner, who lived with his father, on going out to rob the mail, took with himra e fwvord belonging to an officer who ...


... SgRMTUF's COURT, LONDON-Ap~i; r7- B4ARISiF V. 1VOLLAMPY, TISCQ This was an award of inquiry of darages in ah abion upon the cafe for fed-acinrg the plain- tiffs daaghter. The plaintiff, Mrs Theodofia] B rrit, was the. iid'o v of an officer, who had ferved with 'confiderable reputation and bravery during, the American w*ar. Upon the termina- tion of that difpute, lbe came came over to this co ...


... On Tri'l, fday, April 5, 1iSC, j Cort Mar ?? tiatl was held on board his MNiaieffy's 1sii- Nep. tone, in Torbay, on Lieutrant WV. Hill, of his Majeiv'rs (hip Hercule, for ini'ultingand fraking his ?? Litutenart Coiletcs face; alfo on Cap Y taM Mortimer, ard Lieut. Dvmock of the rna i, rine forces belonging to the faid hirp, for fcurti, Is ious and 'cardakous behaviour to the Rev. Chas. ...


... CIRCUIT' YNTELiA1GEiCEL 'The C''r uir Ccurt cf ?? was CrpnotI hele s he 21!t Cuircnt, at ten o'clock in the mording by the PRioht Hon. Lcrds CkAIG ?? ?? L, whlen JeHN DOUGLA1S, porter ITi Monrvofe accufhd of commiting an ?? and battery upon .n E7teifle officer t AN.D. CROFTS3 refitotenr at Scxttls;oun, in the ,alrih of Craig, and cournty of Forfar, accufed of doealing a horfe; and VVILLIXA G ...


... KTINGs LENCH, GUiLD3HALL-April 23. 3^reLcrdEct.ENtruzGtiCb~kf~f /4ice, ?? PENIMN AN4D CO. v. Wi5~I LWRIGEiT. T'Ihis ?? an a&iiott on a policy of infurance for 200.- on thle cargo ofthe Swedifh Ihip Re- fuutrion, ?? frm T ordnon to Penfacola and Mobili and back ag =in. The cafe on behalf of th. plaintif vas as ?? virtue of an aft of Parliament madc durirg the wvar for the purpofe of encout ...