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Warwickshire, England

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Local Inquests

... (? t? gl'aal ?Iqwt5. DEATe OPAN ICYANrT.-SSPECTED ME.DICAL AND PAROCHIAL NurGEcT.-Olle of those cases which make much noise and.end in nothing came before Dr. Birt Davies and a very respectable Jury, at the Barley Mow Ion, Stafford Street, on Saturday night last. The enquiry occupied considerable time, and Mr. Wood, Mass- house lane, surgeon, andMr. Smith, relieving officer, both attached to ...

Law Intelligence

... gaw guttiligma. . COuRT OF QUEEN'S BENCH.-FRIDAY. Allday v. Cottrell.--Attorncy and Client. This was an action brodught by a person of the name of Allday, a master wire-worker, of Birmingham, against a Mr. Cottrell, an attorney of the same place, for negligently conducting the plaintiff's case. - -Mr. Huddleston, Q.C., with Mr. Kennedy, appeared for the plaintiff; 'Mr. Skmner, Q.C., and Mr. ...


... STAFPPORD ASSIZES, YESTERDAY. BE1osei MA. BAXON MARTINc. The learned Judge took his seat in Court at nine o'clock. EXTRAORDINARY CASE OF UTTERING FORGED BANK 4F ENGLAND NOTES, AT WOLVERHAMPTON. jamiess Aiiunsori and Mary1 Ann Allaonsos, a restiee- t lly~r~e mnadw an esibd as husband and wife, ounsel forthe pSroseuti; ' the prisoners being defended by Mr. Br.owneBough in an able opening, ...

Birmingham County Court

... j ?Ulltff d.aud. YESTERDAY. BEFORE LEIGH TRAFFOtD, ESQ., JUDGE. ACTION FOR COSTS-SON AGAINST FATHER.-0ra v. Ormm. -plaintiff is the son of a brewer in this town, and sued his father for *5. 9s., the amount of costs incurred in an action heard at the September Court, and in which the son was defendant, lie, how- ever, obtained a verdict, with costs. Mr. Hawkes said the present action swas ...

Birmingham police

... 111__ ?? YESTERDAY. Boe'r.e T. C. S. Kynrsersyep, I1. 3fiddrameere,aed . 11. a 'Wart, eqrs. WeBOBINo A. MrsREss.-The servant girl Sarad Sheldon, who wee remauded. from Friday last, oie a charge of robbing hoer mistrese, irm; Matilda Southall, of 96, 1ill Street, of a satin dress, M1. 2s Gd., and other articles, of the total valuhe of £0P. 100. ad., weraegain placed at the bar. Evidence of the ...


... STAFFORDS11kE ASSIZES. iE-STERDAY. lil Lrdaei Isokhlre teat on 'tie Bench at nine o'clock. The Cout h~g855 omiat etseteidey cowddand continued aso durig te dy, he ainul rocedigs f wichappeared to excite -Anne Plante was indicted .for the murder of John Plant,'her ille- gittiiate child, on the 22nd of October last. The unhappy young womass is only twenty-two years of age, slender in form,.and ...

Birmingham police

... (VI loirmiligtaill v4a. Z9 YESTERDAY. Before Mr. Kimaerse ?? Mr. T. Phi flills. SINGULAR MATERrs AS TO A £0. N0OTE.-A man, named Henry Mliller, servant, Sheep Street, and his sister, a married wvomanl, usused Blizabeth Bennett, living in Great Lister Street, were brought up charged tinder the following circumstaisces. The male prisoner lived as servant with the landlady, Mrs. IV. Crawford, of ...

The Provinces

... ?? . i qyt vubi-ito. : ~ - : - i , HORRIBLE COnELTY.-On Thursday, at Leed4,ta young woman, named Ann Wood, supposed to be of weak intel- lect, was charged with attempting to destroy her illegi- timate child, only a few weeks old. It appearcd'that she had not only dosed it with landansum till it had fallen into a ste~or, but had burned' its arms from the hasd to the elbow in a most horrible ...

Birmingham Police Court

... N, ?? volia Gbart. YESTERDAY. Before Mr. IfVrnerAeey. A FivE POUrND NOTE STOLEN.-Henry SMiller and Bliza Bennett, the former residing in Sheep Street, and the latter in ListerStreet, were charged respectively with stealing and feloniously receiving a 46. note, the property of birs. Crawford, licensed victualler, Sheep Street. Miller, it appeared, was servant to the prosecutrix, and Bennett, ...


... YESTERDAY. (BEFORE DIB. BARON MARTIN.) The learned Baron took his eeat punctually at nine o'clock, when the following prisoners were called up for judgment:- Arthur Read, labourer, for cutting and wounding Francis Danks, at Willenhall, on the 12th September, fifteen years' penal servitude. -Thlomas Dyke, for cutting and wounding William Dovey and Hannah Davies, at Tipton, on the 17th October, ...

Birmingham County Court

... g, alit 61 Dulltg court. YESTERDAY. BEFOnE Lmiou TsAr ORD, EsQ., JUDGE. A LODGE OF UNITED BiSOTHrEut5 DIsUNITED.-YOUng V. Trevett and Johnna V'i1se.-Thss weas a rathler singular matter, occupying considerable time, but realy devoid of interest, except to the parties juterested. The action, one for danmages for an alleged assault, was brought to recover the suns of £5. as such damages from the ...

Birmingham Bankruptcy Court

... .. : I I aukrupttly If alirt. I-9- , YESTERDAY. BEFORiE MR. REOS8TRAR WILSON-. Io. sre Patrick Monaghan, of Wolverlhosplon, proprietor of the late Woleerlveohaptons Nsews.-A meeting -for last examination, and adjourned choice of assignees. Debts, £1,273. So. 0d.; assets in suppsoed good debts, £188. 5s. Deficiency, £1,084. 18s. lod. The ?? without opposition, and the 16th of January was ...