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Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED, N ASSISTANT CURATE, for the Pariib uf the HOLY TRINITYr, in the Town INGSTON-UPON.HULL. he Duty that will be required of him is to read 'ers twice every Day, and to attend the oth-r fional Duties of a Pari& Minifter. pplication rray be made, and other particulars ?? at-the 'Tovn Clerk's Office, in Hull. To be SOLD by AUCTION, heBFVERLEY ARMS INN, in Beverley, in 'the county of York, %e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VESSELS LAIM ON- For NEW-rORk, -The ~well k;owirifaft-faillhig American fhip, SWIFT, of New-Yorki Capt. HENRY VOGERS. ?? principal part of ber cargo being engaged, will pofitively fail the s5th of Fcbnsary. - - JOHN BURSTALL, jun. The Swift in 1796.was only fix days in going from Hull to the Tagus; has been Iheathed witli copper in Mr. Peter Atkinfon's dock; has elegant accomrnoda- tions for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED, N ASSISTANT CURATE, for the A Parifl of the HOLr TRINITr, in the Town of IINGSTONXPON-HULL The Duty that will be required of lhim is to read prayers twice every Day, and to attend the other occafional Duties of a Parilh Minifter. Application may be naide, and other particulars known, at the Town Clerk's Office, in Iull. Flour and Corn Tradd. A Perron in LEED'S, who Fas been in the A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HULL, FEBRUARY 4. TO TICE IS HEREBY GWIEN, THAT on TuURSDAY next, between the hoursof and twelve o'clock in the forenoonthe Pariffioners the Parith of HOLr TRIZQ'ITT, in this Town, defired to sLeEi- in the Veftry, at the Tell of the 1l, to confider the Propofal of the Bench to apply Parliamnent for a Bill to enable the Corporation to the Sum of FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS a r, by an equalized Rtate oD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... irODiuM'S BOTANICAt SYRUP. ,AwoR~tD tO the WISEf at a ferdods cau;- I ion to all aho, from tlie-natme of their corn-- plaints, are obliged to have recourfe-to that dangerous ' pre paration, rnercury. ' ~It is certainly, if taken with difcretions, a mrod noble and ?? cure for. every- fpecies of infedion; but on the other hard, there is not an article in the whole Materi3 Medica fo replete. with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOLY TRL14LY HULL, SUtNDArY FEB. 2,, i8oo. ON'Thurfday next, at the Toll of the Bell, immediately after. Morning Service, thle Parifli- loners are deflred to meet in the Vef4-y of this Church, to confider the Propgfal of ?? to apply to Pailiaxment for a Bill to enable the Corpo- ration to raife tihe fim of FoURiL HUNDRED POUNDS a-year, equalized Rate on the Parilbioners, as a Salary to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VESSELS LAIU-D ON. For -EW-rORK, The 'wel known fail-failing.. £, ,~~~American (hip, _ ~ SWIFTr of New-York, Capt. HENRY ROGERS. The principal part of her cargo being edi~ged, will pofitively fail the asth of February. - JOHN BURSTALL, jun. The Swift in 1796.was only fix days in going from Bull to the Tagus; bas been fheathed with copper in Pr. Peter Atkinfon's dock; has elegant accommoda- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lCidCak, April gt, 1799- To Mr. LIGNUM. EAR Sir,-Having been informed by feveralpetfionsofcharafterof the great benefit 'they have received from your ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, particularly one Alexander Milne, of Hey- wood, in the pariih of Bury, Lancafhire, who defires his cafe may bf made known to the public; I am i.- diced to fend his teftimony to you for infertion in the public papers, if ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VE3SELS LAID ON. For ytiv-rORK, Fs-!k- The American Ship NEWPORT, Captain JONATHAN MOORE, Stands A I at Lloyd's, Is now ready to take in Goods; and having half 6cr Cargo already engaged, will fail early in March. RICHARD TERRY &SON. JULL, Feb. 8th, i8oo. For HAMIBURG, The BRITANNIA, Captain PETER FEA, I(A conaant Trader) Will fail with the prefent Convoy. Apply to she Captain on board, or to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAND-TAX REDEMPTION. - KIAGS;ST0N.UP0N.HVLL. TOTtCE s &ereby ,given, That the C'om- myf-oners for 4Sale of. the- LAND. TAX- .wh/Jin tles Jcvn - orinty, will attend ~t the Guil~dh~if:epsv~e o'c'4o every Th;ufday, to coritr'aa wh erflons ?? ol purcbq/f ni their Land-Tdx~forthr Sale thereof0 in Alloney, or by transfer of StocA; aezdfach Per- fr ar-e- ?? djfiredto take notice, that theftime' -ef-q ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAND-TAX REDEMPTION, K-fJINGSTN.-UPOTH .I L.L TOTICE is hereby givhn, ThaIthc, -Cvn2 N I'foners for Sule of athe LAND- TAX, within this T-own aftd Count,9y, :7il eatend at the- Guildhall,at twelve o'C`loql, e'very Thurfday, td contrae with Perfons-defirous of ?? their Land.Tax,for the Sale therei, in Money, or by franxfer of Stoch; didfueh'-Per- [ons are al~o ke -ed:&to'fahie'oace, thdtbth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E ,i o I - h f S 'E.1ritation'lo, ,.YNt4h. of Neither -Sex. ; g D ?? AbI I s ye i the; &uit of both fexes, gene- rally eartit-at great Cchools, is the moll deatruc- tive thing that can-be prsaifed. Young people -f3ould -coveiher, thlti every. aet of debauchery of this -kind ftrikes deep at the root of theirtconftitution, inevita. bly haflens rnanly alatriming difeafesand'brings on a~ll the ...