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Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... * VESSELS LAID ON. For NEWY-rORK, The American Ship NEWPORT, Captain JONATHAN MOOR, Stands A X at Lloyd's, Is nov ready to take in Goods; and having half her Cargo already engaged, will fail early in March. RICHARD TERRY & SON. EV L t, Feb. Sth, igoo. .Direa for EMBDEN, (And pofitively to fail with the prefent Convoy ex- peated to leave Hull in a few Days) Part of her CaRio being engaged, The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 -G- Good News Io the. At-ided . . i , ; - li-, MRi. LIGNUM, Q IRS -My grateft'l miianks ae mot certainl1 .L due to you, and I am compelled, by gratitude, a well as by incl iatin, to tfiat trib'ute whi is due to your ?? 'wife, who has be, tong -iilently' aff- ed with a painf&ll a~nd disfigari, fcorbutic eruption, which covered her face, and 'parts of her body, her Icgs in particular ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEAKE's PATENT PILLS. - }RZSLlINESS, c. 2o Mr. Tlmarr 'Zay&r1 Sz , 9o. 'Stret, London. . E EAR SIR,-lt is with the nmoflsheartklt ffatisfaffion that:l addters yoseon'the incompars. ble ?? of your invaluable Medicine, LEASEs' .- PATEN3T PiLELS-sln the fpring of this year I had -tbhermisfortnne to'co6ntrada Venereal Complaintsai, tcendtd- with -the naoE' alarnrilig-and dangerous ft-mp. 'toms; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAND-TAX REDERMPTION. KINGSTON-UPOW.Ht ULL,. OTICE is hereby g Zen, 7at ?? Cor miionrers for Sare of the ILANID T XI 'w hn.this Tojih an4. Counti~tail .Iatendl at tbc O~Wldhall, ,at tw e Itlceer 'butto contraP,_ with? Perfions dtfiroaus of ai their Land.Tac,fortih Sale ther of, itn Mncy, or by transfer of Stoeh; andfueh Per. onsa re afo diredto~tme.enofice, that the time 6f preference gis'zn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HUL-.L, M-`RC}l .3. For RAMBURG, 'Tile NEW BRIG MA RG A RET X DAVID FEWSO,4 Is Pow ready to 'take'jnGoods; and'wiitpofitively failwith'pre nt convoy.' , For particuiars apply to : . R. SOUTHERN, PE13ARSON & Coe. HVLL, 3 d M arch, Y80q. -- WOK oUE,* - ULL, 'iik Felruairy, co. P - .S , r TH E ;. Governor ansld uardians dfrhdoor, ,* H: ERA2Xr cr/ . iSrOTICE,' ?? .That they are defirous:'of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON. The, .Ifa IIg coppered.bij .@ LUTLUTW~fGg 'AIlLECK,- Xla~hr,' Brthen ?? tow, mounts za car- ?? manned ?? 40.- or s0 people, lic-efd ?? o wif prbably. be aceo asldb aohrarmed, veffL~ This (hip in evesy repe .flltads' in the f* c126 at ILtoyd's, and 'iinrrance wa5 effef.ed on her laft voyage in company ovith an armed vel, at even lefa than convoy Mips. Sh -will be s~yto tke-in~ ~goo&, in ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VESSELS-LAID OMN--: For HXMBURGe TheregularTrader B RUNSW1 GhO Captain GEORGE TURNER, To fail with the prefent Cot!voy. For paiticulars apply to E. F. COULSON. ยข Good Accommodation for Faffeugers. 4ULL ,March 4, 800.- Commercial Leith and Hlull Shipping Company; - Laid on for LEITHI. The New and fa. -failing Smack EDINBURGH PACKET, * 8 f ?? 2^ JOHN WILSON, Mafier, 'ls now loading for the above ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVICE TO BATHERS. tl _ ?? DR. BRODUM begs leave-to recommend b D the BOTANICAL SYRUP (the virtues of' 1 which are acknowledged by perfons of the firft falhion iA and diflinction) to Bathers immediately after quit- y ting the Bach, and one' hour beFore, and in particular to thofe who are 'ubjeft to eruptions ariling from I vitiated' Humours, Scurvy, &c. the quantity taken each-time two table ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAND-TAX REVfEM~pTON KIN1GSShiN-(PO?(It`2. iTOTICE is bereby given, Ts the Conz- jN nsmifoners for Sale of the LAND.. TAX, within this 7Tonvwn-andGoCjnty, will atend at ihe Gaildball, at f Pzele o'cltck, veky Thurfiday, to conftraS with Perfons def rou of parchafing their Land-Taxfor tle Salei thereouf, in Aioney,:or b transfer of Stock,,dfuel1 Pir- ,Jons are alfodeffred to take notice, that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _1fo .keSOLDbyAfUCTION, At the CROSS KEYS INN, in Whitefriargate; HULL, On Xoiday the i4!1, Mareb injgamS, atfour o'!cloc in ibev afternoon, (anlefifooner dijpyed of &y privat, ontralt wbsreof notice will he given) rT'HE good American Schooner A_ -L.called the_8ETSEY, now.' W69n in Hull Dock, (late John Tanton, iMaaier,) of about 9! tons meafure- -rnent, bting a well- built burthenfome-vefiel, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A WONDERFUL CURE, BY TArING ONg. BOTTLE or DROPS oaLY. . To Mr. LIQEUi., SIR, Nsrt ijth, Cbefiir., '7qc 7tb,, 799- THREE years have elapfed fince my daugh- L ter (who is noqweight years of age) received, I think I ntay witl confidence fay, the moft extraor- dinary cure that was ever in polic print. Hcer com- plaint was an inveterate leprofy and &furvy, with which ihe was affli~led for many ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAND-TAX RRDEMpTION. KINGSTON-UPO-WHULL. XTOTICE iS Sere4Y given, That the ?? 1N m oI ers ?? Sale of ?? 'LAND- TAX, wilhin tsis. To'wn and Uounty, will .attend at the 'cuidhal4 at twelvebe orlock, every TI'hurfday, to coaklralZ suitb, Perfons de/irous of purchqfing their Land-Taxfor the b ale thereof, in Money, or bytranrfer of StocZ; andfi.rch Per- J~ots .are alfo deiredo tahe notice, -that ...