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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland


Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... Piano Forto Ware-House, 12, HIGH-STREET. J WILLIS begs to inform the Public, that the per- P son who he has engaged for to TUNE, BUFF, and REPAIR PIANO FORTES, has arrived, and will he always in attendance at the ab Jarehous. 3. W. finds Min, on trial so perfectly qu;fi ed,a that ha can confidently recommend him to the Pubiic. The vant of sucl a person bainsolong felt in Belfast and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOWN SESSIONS. COUNTY of DOVWVN HTME next GENERAL tO Twit. T QUAtTER SESSIONS ! Of the Peace for tile County of DOWN, will be Imohilen at- XVWTOWNARDS, orb U'EDNAESDAYV tle 9th, und aet HJ ILLSBO1 ROUGH, On TURSU4 Y the islb trays -of J.4NUARY ne't. JOIltA IG, C. Peace. PETTY SI?SIIONS. At the desire of the Governors of the County, the ' AGISTRATES are r'equcitcel to assemble on tihe first dny ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY 0F ANTRIM, TO WIT. T 1IE next GENERAL QUART131R SESSIONS I of the Peace for said Cority, wvill be held at C.RR7CArERStS, O (ONA')AY, 7th JA4NUARY, 1;4L If'ENTA, on W )ED)NESDA I', 9th JANUARY, 1 B1,LFAST, on MONDAY. 14th JANUAiRY, 1828. Tbl Court vill sit for dispatch of Civil Bill business, at Nine o'Clock in the Morning, on the first day of each s%,ions. All Processes to be entered ...

Piano Forte Ware-Hou

... se, 12, HIGH-STREET. J WILLIS begs to inform the Public, that the per- J son who he has engaged for to TUNE, BUFF, and REPAIR PiANO FORTES, has arrived, anid will be always in attendance at the above Warehouse. J. W. finds him, on trial, so perfectly qualilt that he ss confidently secommend him to the Public. J The want of such a peison.K bden so long felt in Belfast and Neighbourhood, that W. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF ANTRIM, TO WIT. T lIE next GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS .L f the Peace for stid County, wvill be held at ejJR R ICTF ERG R U aU A ,I .VD.4A , 7th .JANXUA R F-, ;,A i 7.1 rENdl, e nWI FiD.ArESA y, 9f tit . NrUA A , I. 7i1Ff.Z;:ST, on0 JIV-DAY, 11-t JANUARY, 1828. Tic Court will sit for dispatch of Civil Bill business, at NIne o'Clock in the Morning, oul the first day of each Sessioins. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I:leeting Ihis May. 13ELFAS i' LIBRARY. a t, ENsERvAL MEETI NG of thc SUBSCR I BRS ,. t EIl:ASrBI ib L lBRARY, will be beld tit the 1 ' \{ El;,t, N . 1, Cl41bot-Strttect1, ils DAY, (TuESDA', * t illSt.) tit ElGI i' o'Clock i; the Evenluig, to conl- il, 1 op £{tly °f l',12w11 t1]11 1fbhob1Iingt thOe Al1- ,:,I A.1Y11-Milg filt11n t11C. lt-t VID )AY ill Julle, tO ,,. 1 l~t \¶.E I)N [l).S:Y t1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £1,400 T O IE L LeT TOTHING bWit the most uniin ttiable LANDtsED 1 o1 Security will ptakei. Apply to FRED. WXM. MACAULEY, ATsrtm. DeC. 28, 1827. (333 LIN EN ARN. A LARGE Qu vantity Om Five to Twelve A li ANK YA RN, of excel I quality, will be shewn for SALE at AMr. KEENAN' S REET, BrerAsT Ii eres y FRIDAY, from NINE till TWO o Clock. (211 ADVERTISEMENT. TO THE REV. BERNARD M'AULEY. ...


... VENTED ItHp11r;if Phlaing Cft-(s. HODGSONY BOOKSELLER, &c. &c. 9, HIGI-I-STREET, 'fAS just imported a Supply of the ?? Fh1 Fiures and Costumes of the Court Cards ire changed iroln the old figtues, which Iave not been varied shice their 1iht inttrodtction into this ?? Court Card on ltb lstrNVEsAL CARD8S isa PORTRaITr o! chariacter living about tic time wben Cords wvere first used in Euroipe. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .Vt'u' prcslyte'ri( n olleetintag-Florese. A ll A^N(G E EN 'I' rsintg nolw mad,' for LE1''Il' I N( ] 1 'EVS inl the NEW PRIESBYTERliIAN MEET- Fisunrawic- PrTAic; and it having been i ,tmoil that those personls wvlho hava anbseribed mo- I c to twardks the erection of the House, if they should ,i-hi to becole worslhilpie's in it, shonid have it priority of jt 1-boice iln ri 1 to te seti>, of P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ROAD MAKERS, &c, COUNTY OF KI E SECRETARY to the ANTlRIVM. IL GRAND JURY'S OFic'F' ; - - in the County Court. House, CAR- S II1CKFETRIGITS, vill remain Open to receive AlPpI, a, C&IONS for PRESENTMENTS, until NINE t'clook la in tue evening of THURSDAY the 24th instant, and for NOTICES for ACCOUNTS until TWELVE,; o'clock in Pp the forenoon of SATURDAY the 26th Inst. SPECIAL SESSIONS will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE, BELFAST. Ar 1,ermissie7n of Sir St-ldslen May, sovereign. I.ii''i' NIGHT OF TIHE ENGAGEMIENT OF Mrs. WA'WLETT, (tJf the Theatres Royal Drury-Lane and Haymrkct.) TillI present Evcr,~izg (Friday), Janiary 19th. will Tbe. pelr'Allmed (by lparticular desire) tile masical Play of G U Y ilA N N iERIN NG. Luaey Bertram .. ,,, Mrs. WAYIETT. A Fvourlite Dance by Mrs. LAM BE. n trbc ...


... Quantity of -1 r Five to Twelve 2 A HANI YARN, of excellIqmusltty, will be shewn for SALE at M1,. KEENAN'S, in As;-Sraenrr, BxrnsT, ,esty FRIDAY, from NINE till TWO o'Clock. (211 r PROSPECTUS J osr A A New Evening Journal, ENTITLED 2. rE _EXIE VG PAcKET& CORRESPONDEANT: I T1 ' A REAR (lND-meslGft AUSPICES) . (oi TUESDAY the S2ndJANUARYnst. 1828. t 'r is luspiclous for ou1r Journal, whose ...