... - es —_—_——_ Ww 4 the henna A in manner, as to be entirely fron my More Prov AE Me de rroniag was expected at ure with Ortance. vices of ftill greater imp L AW D. . Cambridge, Jan. 14. On Wednelda y Exp came to Lord Dupplin from London, on whch he out immediately in a Poft-Chaife; and we hear Lordhhip is to be appointed Chancellor of quer, in the room of the Hon. Bilfon Legge, Elg , 1s going ...

Published: Tuesday 17 January 1758
Newspaper: Pue's Occurrences
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 786 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: bmd 

s ■ SCOO – i sooo

... am ye 2999 1000 sco $O° - 3 - 20 -35 59 ] Firtt drawn, 4rtt) tor the Scheme, 63209 ane al vy | bets, for a Lot not lefs than 59 ‘Lickets. “Lhe Price to Non-Subfcribers, one Guinea Ticket, e eos . Subicriptions are now receiving, and Fi delivering out, at Mr. | WIL DE Paid ufual, immediately after the Arrival of the merical book from London, HE ‘Vruitees for executing the Cana Communication ...


... O TRY NE W Corke, July 2^. ‘fT’ESTERDAY Morning Mr. John Japnie, jL high Conltable, apprehended in Blackpool, William Stacnole, notorious Otfender, tran- for Street Robbery feme I'imc fuiCe, ami Returned contrary to Senteuce his Wife was alio traufported, and his Son hanged for the fame Offence. Galvsav, S. The Accounts hitherto received from the Wool Fair of Dunloe arc but all agree, that ...

~OUN TRY NEWS, Newry, 04. a7 Se'unight, about Xone Jimes Binghom, a h, was four id hat Day-b 2v, near

... \ ‘n his own B this rath Action, veing a Man t . yarced in Weors) atc ivcunittances, an wats remarkably veligious. OF 28 Vuefdav Night a é y atthe Doz Ale- i Lady-lane, between two Butchers, Ma: sratn, when the latter ftabbed the former J ous a Manner that his ts de He lkewile fractured his Skull. The Worth Jota Lander committed Magrath to Gaol Morning. Oc. 29. Monday Bridget Ca of Loughiea, ...


... rchale ohares fad Gealing atlaid Ofhce. Letters duly N. B. Good Drafts and Notes taken in Payment. ICHARD CAHILL, in Britain-ftreet, oppefie minick-ftreet, i induced to advertile, having i in his Power to the Nobility, Gentry, and ot with Groceries, Wines, Spivits, Pickles, Sevegty Cheefe, Bc. in a greater Variety than any other Hor Dublin. He entirely depends, the Quality and Pric prove the ...

j::LX.igkkce from al

... l the Facers Vlste DA V i, if ril 2, O alurday two Linen Weavers who had w )ier!i drinking together, having tome DiHer nee Luly-lane, enfued, wherein one them hail his Scull fuCluicd, which occif oneJ his immediate Dcaih. ic other made olt *Carlow. April 3. Lift Saturday our AfT.zes ded, when the following Berlons vvcie capitally gonneeded and ordered via. Arthur Murphy, for giving Night to ...

“from ALL the PARSE: pxes from A pei h ie SkrURDA\. Carlow, Fun. Zt. Few Days ago, the Guard who

... was conve a Deter feo the ot Corl 7 -Duolin, was attacked at fimolin, 1 Villains, who idare a Gang ot V1 ‘of Kil dar 4 by 4 *he fror oe o ee WHO guarded hin, F cards hid Lak which they tare, a ed fearching for Lette Wednefday Night laita Party of Foot S were eleorting 1oae. 10 Cor in faid when they were tet | py the above Vilkains, who beat and gre: ‘ed: taid Party, and refcucd from them one ...

po t One Ex gl Mail Aljo, Dv PRESS Packet oy GAZETTE. € y-Orrice, Se ptember 2780. | 1 Sir

... G. fal atter from Admita t- Extract 0 Rodney, to Mr. Stephens, t bryd Ss. rawiea, Bafleterre-Koad, July 17 St Lucia the lait, dated at INCE my ent by Rear- Admiral Perker, f July, Lordfhi; 3 a n account of the 17 3 their his part of the 1 ual on of int and tre yerv great orce O f the combin- o vied spfitted of thirty -fix fai ed fie G yua int the:r els Th ave the honour to, their great tha: ...

Published: Saturday 16 September 1780
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2781 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: bmd 

atire upon the Vinifter, and deferibed the Ta of our continu ng the War the 4 3 Combination of our

... Enemies. He (aid, that our late Succetles in Carolin. he fame Time that they did tlonour to our Ge: ad our Tronps, difcovered tie weak S Ste of ‘ondition, by ihe Danger with which we {urrounded, and the Fortune and very which was to fecure our Safety, which, in to the Degree that we « our Military Virtue, mutt dinuntth the Praif our which would rfque eur Salvanon on the Accomp!ifhiment of a ...

Wednesday, January 22. rT icles felcfted from all the Papers of Yesterday. Cork, Jan. \C. tr-HECommerce. of ..

... U. Malfer, Tranfporl in Government bert arrived YetV-rday Cove from New York, Place fire left on the 2+th U.l. m Coalman) ■iih forty Sail of Triniports and Mercian, linen .'ler Convoy of his Majefty s Snips Vv arvvick harleftown, ana Savage Sloop of ar, all bound [or this Port, which the Commerce parted Com- Lnv with the Night following Gale Capt. Rudd left Admiral Digby at New Kk with twelve ...