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Advertisements & Notices

... 1aldke anb ;M1arkellte r NOWING it to be their duty, as well as their M intereft, to ue every exertion to merit a conti- r'rsace of that diffinguiffed patronage which they :r vs hitherto experienced from an indulgent public, ;.2l no little pleafure in being able to offer for their 5i-sfpetion, a flock of goods equally elegant and Iailonable, but more valuable and- extenfive, than : former one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r NEW FRUITS, &c. r TOHN MITCHELL, Dlruggill, Caflefilreet, ref- J pedfully informs his friend[s and the public, thae he has jell reccived a very large fupply of new Fruits of excellent quality and moderate price, viz. St Ca- thafire Plumbs, French Prunes, Turky Figs, Faro ditto, Bloom Sun Raifins, Rafins, Currans, Jordan Almonds, Valentia ditto, Bitter ditto. r J. M. has alfo got to hand a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pachiac ?? K NOWING it to be their duty, as well as their Ka itercift, to ufe every exertion to merit a conti- ritiance of that diffinguilhed patronage which they hiave hitherto experienced from an indulgent public, feel no little pleafure in lieing able te offer for their i',6pelion, a flock of goods eqrally elegant and atahiotnable, but more valuable and extenlive, than %s.y former one. Dhe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | ALEAA1iDJER ScOT'T, Upholfierer, ABERDEEN, AISES this method of informing his friends, that 1 he has nosy received a comrpleat afloitmlent of UPHOLSTERY ARTICLES, wvlich he himfelf pur- chrafed in Lonidon and other marnsialturring places.- They chiefly confift of elerant Roorn Pzpers-Cottons -Morcens-Stf ipes-Tickiags-Hearth-rugs- Car- pets-Mattings, of various ?? and corn- moll Oil Cloths, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ladtie alt %Madtnic SA 'lOWING it to be their duty, as well as their J .1 \h interefi, to ufe every exertion to merit a conti. in n*i.n ce of that diltingulihed patronage which they o, 'hMw hitherto experienced froor an indulgent public, Psi ftco !1 little pleafute in being able to offer for their ml .'p'rc.ion, a flock of goods equally elegant and pr . nable, but more valuable and extenfive, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FLAXDRESSER FRIENDLY SOCIETY OF t f PETERHEAD. i N OTICE is hereby given, that the rules and regu- C e Nlatiens of the faid becety ate lodged with the i Cleik of the Peace for the county of Aberdecnin a order to be fanflioned and confirmed by his Majefly's a Juflices of the Peace, in terms of law. . e A. W. Agent. I n ROUP OF CATTLE. : On Monday next, the 4th of June, there will be fold e by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF HOUSES. Upon Thurfday the zifI dlay of June curient, betwixt the hours of fix sad feven afternoon, them will be expofed to faic, by public rmop, within the houfe of George Moir, Vintner in Aberdeen. , 'HAT tenement of Foreland, with the two next . tenements or houfes at the back thereof. lying on the Welt fide of the Gallowgatc of Aberdeen, which fometime belonged to Robert Joyner, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IC a.l N O T I C E. Lieutenant General La1:e, cammanding mm w ra his Majetyis forces in this kingdonm, having received fromn his Excellency the Lord Lieu- Ian tenant, fullfpowers toput down the Rebellion, In, and to punifli Rebels in the molt fummary smanner, according to Martial Law, does erhereby give notice to all his Majefty's fub- e- je~ls, that he is determined to exert the powers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO THF NEAREST OF IKIN. MARY SXIITH, D5aughter of JOHN SMITH, F !ho originally came from the county of Aber 1 de-n,, and for many years refided in Greenock, under to, th- quality of a Stocking merchant, and thereafter, job viz ten or more years ago, returned to his irative I counetry), be in life, fire will hear of fomething to her fecc dsvantage, by applying to John Buchanan, or Ar. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REMAR'KABLIE LETTERS, Unparalleled in the Hifory of Medicine, t4' 11..rED from the recent Teftimorfics of feveril _ , 1londred tefpeealble Petfons, and fubmitted to ?? citri llof the avlidted with RHEUMA'IISM, : 1i, RHEUMATIC GOUT, LUMBAGO, V S Y, NUMBNESS, COMPLAINTS of the Sfo- At! CH, &c. siR, Borden, neal Sitthigbourne, Jan. 12, 79iS. d'otr fice I was twenty ?? of age, I have been ed with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUBSTITUTES WANTED FOR THE MI L I T IA. ' ITCH Young Men as are inclined to ferve in the i' Militia for Scotland will receive a hardfomc 2ounty by applying to vlefrfs Frafer and Mole, Aberdeen. John Burnett, Storebaven. JohnBlyth, Oldmel-hum. Alexr Ellis, Peterhead. John Forfyth, Huntly. McKilligin & Roberttbn, Banf. John Forfyth jon. Elgin. ?? Smith. Earfifnill, near Forres. havid Scott, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ESTATE OF DELGATY FOR SALE. To ies SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Ex- change Coffet-boufe, Edinburgh, the zoth day of Angull 1798 (if not previoufly fold by private bar- gain), 7~1-E LANDS, BARONY, and ESTATE of i. DELGATY (except that part to the Weft and Nias; ti: of the burn of Knockyrnilo, and a line dividing Biumnfide from Hilltown, and running from the head Of fiid burn northward ...