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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


... DUBLIN.-Tis aiRsH PoortaLAw.-MIteetinge are in pro. gres, in all quarters, to petition the Legislature for the repeal or modification of the Irish Poor-law. Te union of Tuam has been convenedfor londaynexttopetition fortheutterrepealolthe present unwise, cruel, and oppressive enactment, denominated 'a law for the relief of the poor,' and the substitution of a be. xevolent measure, which would ...


... IME AND PUNISHMENT. Ir is a remarkable fact, that in our present state of civilization, we either know so little of human nature, or knowing much, are so convinced of its depravity that where we have one effort of Legislation intended to operate as a stimulus to virtuous action, we have twenty to restrain and punish crime; and it may afford a subject for useful reflection if, having satisfied ...


... TRIAL OP THE DUNDEE CHARTISTS. -an the High-Court of Justiciary on Monday, the ease againsti John Duncan (chartist preacher), John Penny, mechanic, Hugh, Ross, tailor, James Graliam, weaver, John Scott, and Peter Ben- net, fiax-dressers, was called on. The prisoners were charged with mobbing and rioting, as also with abreach of the peace, by the wicked and felonious assembling of multitudes of ...


... THE GREAT AGGREGATE MIEETINGS OF THE LEAGUE. Of all the various meetings of the Anti-Corn-law League which are so soon to take place, by far the most important, in our estimation, will be those in which the attention of the members will be directed to the practical operation of the Corn-law. on the Tuesday aol immense mass of information will be brought forward, with a view to show tie ...


... TEE METROPOLIS. WOOD PAVEDIExT.-At a Court of Aldermen of the City of London, held on Wednesday, Sir Peter Lauriewlho sat as locallt tesens for the Lord Mayor, said, he wished for the sake of the public to call the attention of the Court to a subject which woas becoming ote of serious interest, especially to the citizeits of London. He had read in the newspapers of the day before an account of ...


... LAW INTELLIDENCE. ~COURT OF QUEEN'S r'FNCH. (Sittinigs inBanco,) 'TatE QUEEN ?? SIR Ml. A. STIEE AND OTHIlits.-TthO ques- 1(aon in this case was whether the defentdants, the president and 4oirecters of the Royal AcadessiVowre, liable to be rated to the re- .4ief of the peer of the parish of St. Almthris, in respect to the rooms nosed by them at the Natiotiat Gallery, at Cthartng-cross. The ...


... P 0L I CE. MANSION-HOUSE. hoOS~rk1C` tl t nt)lt,.Ott M on day, alter the night charges I1cc disposed of. Mr. I. 1Bent, of the house af ood, Beot, ''fae'ooo ppicelikersped before the Lord Mayor to itrcld of Mrnp.itolrtichtard Moxon, who charged him rch h of 101- to effecrta insutaitice topon i !l'lt~-ll actr o-ea rd the Jitity Tar, bound for Texas, and alt- Deed themMICrY to his oot 0use. The ...


... INQVJEST.S. FATAL ArccnDENT.-On Monday Mr. Baker held an inquest at the London Hospital on Thos. Ethins, aged 48, chief mate of the Mary Nixon, lying at St. Katherine Docks. Friday evening de- ceased and another sailor were eon the foremost yard, unbolting the truss. Ilaving done go the yard swung round and struck deceased on the right leg, causing him to drop on to t ue deck, a fall of 25 ...


... INUQVSTS, &c. A SAD CASE.-On Monday afternoon a lengthened investiga- tion took plate before Mr. Wakley, M.P., and a mnoot respectable ury, in the pupils' lecture-room of the Middlesex Hospital, on viewv of the body of Dr. John Coghlan, aged 2-li assistanit-surgeon of the l9tl Regiment of Foot, now stationed at Malta, and wsho committed suicide by taking pruosic acid under the very extra- ...


... P O L I U E. MANSION-HOUSE. C Ao C+V~DLt RcIAN-On Monday a well-dressed young AlCibhald Mo wett, who stated that he lived at No. 5,, Cper's-row, Tlosncr-hill, was charged with laving struck a o~u ntx ahaned Aln Norah islahoney, most violently in the % tj A greal of indignation was excited amiongst those eh li ear l ieanicutars of the cowardly conduict of the fellow a Cso ptaiant stated tilat ...


... LAW INTILLIENCUE. - a SSMTOFECHEQUER.-Tuesday. c. BEc~II0ta-Titi case, wahicir to of importance 11~to',00 havinrrg houses or apartments to let, seas brounght eve)' one en ation to recover tot. IrOs. alilegdtbecu be~l pisto jar work- and labour done, cirdec lire rirun O0 dhe hntaie aieelew.-?tr Cockburn (with whor' WOMr. ,cr' odrti~le drt ca for the plaintiff, and Mr. Crowder ~rds) ?? o h ?? ...


... CENTRAL CRTMINAL COURT Monday and all the week. Middlesex Sessions ?? Ist The Trial of Prisoners. 15th Appeal Day. 16th Court Day. 17th Adjournment Day. 20th Trial of Prisoners. Westminster Sessions .. . 8th Trial of Prisoners and Ge- neral Sessions. 24th Appeal and Adjournment Day.f Surr Sessions ?? 6th Trial of Prisoners and Ad- journmeist Day. Sheriffs' Court (London) ?? 9th, 10th, 16th, ...