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The annual meeting of the Society for ing Christian is ced to be held at the Victoria Rooma, Clifton, thia

... afternoon, nf (Mr J. H. ander the presidency of the High Sbe A New CHAPEL Weston (Bata).— Yesterday afternoon the uew esievan Chapel and schools, which have erected at Lower Weston, ned. The chapel is # enb- growing suburb, were ope jl secommodate about | stantial piece of work; it wi c I. Owen, admi.s of and the site, m by © the extension if necessary. he are @ chapel. The cost has been abor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6mmuricrvlaI a'aloe5, GI4ENTAKIT! GLENTAKI ! GLENTAKIT! ASK FOR G L E N TAKIT OLD SCOTCH. ONE OF TIE FINEST WHI SKIES IW THE MCARKET. BRISTOL STORES .8, NICHIOLAS ST. RARIDIFF ?? ST. 9241 'EXCELSIOR WHISKY. ll ?? of Baleded W F ' ll'}lisky.-Lanucel. 49 Equals, if it does not surpass, any brand before the ?? JoW71al. DIARGRAVE BROTHERS, LLANELLY. boMG ...


... Monday Evening. The Stock Markets, except for British Rails, w-jre steady to firm, whilst in the American depart- ment some little firmness was apparent. In the Ihi^lish Funds Consols were without alteration, but the 3 per Cent. Local Loans Stock improved | per ?? Metropolitan Consolidated 3i per Cent, was l cent, stronger. India Rupee l?aper exhibited v recovery of J to J per cent. New South ...


... The following Forecasts were prepared last night at the Meteorological Office at Half-past Eight O'clock : — Or«Tßirrs. _ . o. Scotland ,N., chiefly easterly. I-air l_Scotland, E 1 {.enerally. , . . i Easterly and south-easterly winds, 2._--U_land. ?? -J ?? Changeable, some shower.. _ thunder locally. ?? Varying southerly (south-easterly to «.Mld.Counties { breezes. Changeable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C01 1111til};-'lati .tt t Titt HEl G H I A 3 ` i.k A N o C O (EsTa . CAI(1DIFF PAINT .ILLS. tANUFACTVURERS OF VARNlS ii-EIJS AND t4OLOUS3, % GENUINNE ZINC, LEADS, AIND OXISDES. OIL AND GIASS B¶POuRTERS. 1 OFFIClR:-QS. Jt: T F:S il!E RT. SZ4S4 6h N4rt yl~r ct~o of Bntemled tfi . nyrand befoze the ?? MARWBAG-l, AY M'i'ilRS, . I. I.. J *St = = = = !I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F A P ME I S SEND TOUi t ONVX WOOL TO BE VADE IN TO CLOTi, trom 1s. 3r. to 2s. 4d. per Yard. iBLANKjiTS, from 1s. 2d. to 2. 6d. cdre Yard. FLA~NC;ELS, om Is. 6d. per Yard. Sroctt-NG S lN, from 19d. Per Ib. ?Rtternl ?? to select tlOm. Carliago Paid tO Cnd from the Mills oa all Or~ert over £2. TYLER AND CO. MAESLLYN MILLS, LLANDYSSIL, SOUTH WVALE;S. 93g S sEXCEL-1141OR I Wi3HISKY. \ S ' tl ...


... IMPORTANT DISCUSSION. The monthly meeting the Sunderland School Board was held at tho offices iv John-street night. T. W. Backhouse presided, then were also present James Chambers (vicechairman), Aid. Shadforth, Mrs Hancock, Peter Wood, It. A. Bartram. Rev. Fathej Foran. Rev. C. G. Hopkiusou, Mr J. J. Ben' It. Hindmarch, Mr Friend Lamb, E. Davison, Rev. Father Tnruerelli, and the (Mr T. W. Br ...


... t } FINED. v! leading to the filie C s i 2es UStice Kennedy, occurred at der «, Ye - n meqt of with the n was empannelled h * a. but ' Twelv men answered blind was excused. fis a ...


... FOURTH EDITION. TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS. In the Queen's Bench, to-day, before Justice Wills and a special jury, Mr. Walter H. Clark, a clerk, sought to recover damages fro ...


... ..he prosecution and conviction of two bookmakers for causing obstruction in Swan Street, Leeds, vill probably clear away the of men who stand there day after da}-, pencil and note-book in hand, shouting the odds, receiving money, and paying out lucky backers. only partial remedy of a public evil, however. The Chief Constable is powerless to repress bookmakers and their touts. All is to keep ...