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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... CO( URT .ArlP2TL1-COLONEI. BALFOi R. L . - ?? so ?? ?? . I z , a- I I I I . 1, At 3 Oeneral (Coilt-Martial, held at Wakefield, oil tihc 7 it l: ?? ars-, I 81. and con: in;:erd fwadionrnment eO rle 8th oft 1it slaW month, Liktt-Colonel Baloulr, of tile rtd, or Roval Nom i 1l }r tis)l reI ?? of dragrxinls, was arraigned and tried ujyr n ll the tfllowing charges._ lIt! lst, or- ilvinsg I'Silcd, ...


... .1 LilY0 C(ulI(I' EI)cImuilT !. (10 't'1'0(ily. till' 0121t011 of bia laxee ialgd by Mr 121arl;, 'coeolev to the Lhil f1 eilgliv of t~Li( ld 16 10( AndNilllohl Agalinst tile DOllJIjlity Of tile Presbylery of DintoLeidi, efaow IO be I 'toO beforo Lord Coonltitilame 1, In al Ju I y -I ?? fo I Uvloiog i'onl' - y Whether11 ?? About0 tile ,ltti ?? of AMorot, a1lid 27th A prilI, 1d11, ofaII eith, ...


... . , .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, W1LLOX AND POPE iVcrest PARiRaLL. This Case came On for trial before Lord Ivory and a spe- c ,lsl jury, in Aberdeen, onl Tuesday the 4th current, and C Occupied the Court up to the afternoon of Monday last, the It 17th-a length Of time which we believe to be quite uin pa- ii rasleled in the history of jury trials, and which, in ot1a lr respects, is one of the heaviest ...


... SHERIFF COURT, BANFF, I - -i MRIe-POACcInNG. On Monday the 24th ult., the following parties were brought before the Sheriff of Banffshire, at the instance of James Rose EsqI solicitor in fanif,; Law-Agent in that County for his ~race the Duke of Richmond, accused of trespassing under tho Act 9, Goo. IV., chap. 39, viz:- John Bremner, sen., Jeon Bremner, jUn., and William Bremsner, all residing ...


... POLICE COIIMISSIONERS. A meeting of the Police Board was held on Monday Dean of Guild in the chair. .-h PRSsENT--Sheriff Watson, Messrs Mlatthews; Bisset, Ness. Sherar. Calder, Nets s 0e, Spa XkSutherlaidA.C. Matthew,B Byres 4l*Hare and Gray. ,, STREET CLEANSING ON SABBATH. The DEAN tif GuILD reported verbally, gnbehalf cifthj Street Committee, that the recommetida ton of the Be0adt in ...


... SHERIIFF ClINMIN XL COURT. F L e- YVoslottdny. a itrilfr Crimoinml 'otiurt be', liolt lueie lN. t' Im .Lil 1 t a-. W4Tsno, Esq., Sherif' Sttbtituite, wselr, tile following caso. were W' C!. tried :- t ll 10 ?? Til;FT. llt The first ons that of on old wi 'tn. Stedei:oit hi wil'h, h wilt d Bll titlity to hi.4vitg in tile month ttf Mnn lsot. blrlitil iltlt i Ai well ic- tit, IhlouIIO it L'ttiot ...


... COURT OF SESSION-FIRST DIVISION. TORbRIE AND OTHERS V. TeE DUKE OF ATHOLL. This case, involving the public right of. way through the val- ley. of Plon Tilt between- the village of Castletown of Braemar and other places in the valley of the Dee, and the village of 'Bliir Atholl, die. in the valley of the DGary, after frequent dis- cussion before the Lord Ordinary, eam oe before the First Divi- ...


... - ?? I 1. ? .- 1. I ? .1 . ?? ll? ?? N'I - . tii Ii. -LuIotI i it~u Ilit ii I - - - tiit-I iliiiv,ltioclt I - . OU - - i-- I' 4 llit I'ihiy aIS , s L toii l I I 6 11 -,iiri- itc,, ii hleaceiritl' griicvi. T itt 1 ee ?? if lute.Ishut ,aiit odl tl o' heling icibi, aoch retiOtI ithililc lihelied n igiit te h - kolm. il ?? Gailtly Tauh titis itenctv d to Cigliteeit Monthis' o - Otulsiilvl .ici o ...


... E D I IT 2 v. R G O.. 111014 C(URT OV JL'STIL'IARV. Ak-ooterMilet ?? Gurislty to 01 change'of atriter, Ilo ltiviirg, art rtelt Hill Ntivernter ]lost, entered the tease of Wester Sheilyorits, iii the paiho tnity rt be y Willitimt Jarnie, parricooer there, sail assaulted tle sold( Jarvie with a sticlk, whlerelw Iris arm a wore brokers rttd Iris skull fratireidni, inl ccrrac- ?? of ashirablhe ...


... (Rican the Stanurtcc-c.) Ir were doubtless too much to expect of a 'Ministry five years in a office, and car lego the system of a preceding Ministry four t years before them, to tell of all the evil consequences of nine I years of eisrule-cf incomes declining at the rate of nearly three a millions a-year for the latter of the nine years-of raw materials Ni consumed in the inverse ratio of ...


... On the ifth of Marth, and feveral fubregnent dayv a ener il Court Martiial was held at Newport, in the Ifl uf Wighr, for the trial of Lieutenanit Colon' l Jol n Rofs, of the Ssth reginacut, en five ?? charges pr.f.:rcd againli hint by certain officcrs of that regi- mets. Oit thc firtfl chargge onilv he was found ?? .-viz. that of having c'nsployed two mta in the Caiinent a;s his fervants who ...


... iALRV IANC1, C'-.S-SflA-; ?? ' C 'T :;lli ?? ?? ?? T, AND Ol'lc. TIVa' Of; t]t10e Sano aaikrlt-c-ite, oftieti ndti-writras 'cin,| oi 0111 I me i i d :liflal!tt'iviak, Iotlivi', 0o1 theL I;tij'lt \l i auke of at Nrtilillathellrtil!, propri tor oi thw tiijp) Midl- unlilt n, ?? [tiotl-t| irl'alall.:il to hiu (II)ItC oal hilip anld . i to n grcat uxtent, fiom ?? to Loindon, pa:tltl, :lt I Lonioni ...